Meet Me At Starbucks

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I woke up to loud banging on my door. Who the hell is needing me at this time?

I drag myself out of bed and quickly rub my eyes and brush through my hair while making my way to the door.

Opening the door a fraction, I peer round to see Beau smiling weakly at me.

I decide that I can't deal with the hassle of not letting him in, so I fully open the door and he steps in.

As soon as he's in he goes in for a hug, which I decline.

Beau frowns, "Freya please, I've missed you so much."

"Really? Because I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth." I know it's harsh, but it's true, he's been lying to me ever since we met.

"Freya I'm sorry, really," he pleads with his eyes.

"Beau, you know this isn't something I can just brush off. It's a huge deal."

"I know, but it was Luke's choice not to tell you, I had to respect that." He tells me.

"So you don't give a fuck about respecting me? I feel like such a fucking loser because I didn't even know my own boyfriend had toured all over the world. Thanks for caring about my feelings." I reply, venting a bit.

"For fuck sake Freya-"

I cut him off. "Don't you dare 'for fuck sake' me. Can you just leave actually?"

"Look Freya, please just give me 10 minutes to explain." He bites his lip.

"Fine." I sigh. Why do I give in to him so easily?

I lead Beau to have a seat on the sofas so he could explain properly.

"Firstly, Luke loves you more than anything, you mean everything to him, and that's why he was scared to tell you. He was scared Freya." Beau started. "He thought that if he told you it would scare you off, all the hate and mobs. He just- he couldn't find the right moment to tell you."

"But surely he knew that I would find out somehow." I thought aloud.

"Well why don't you talk to him about it? I can't tell you everything here, but I know that Luke loves you more than anything and he couldn't even think about losing you." Beau sighed.

"Okay, I will think about it." I said bluntly. I definitely wasn't going to give in straight away.

"And I'm sorry too, for lying to you. I thought that it was Luke's place to tell you. But I did try to persuade him to tell you, and he always said he would, when the time was right." Beau gave a half smile.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I smile back at him.

"So we're good?" Beau stands up.

"Yeah, we're good." I confirm, standing up also.

He loosely slings his arm over my shoulders and walks with me to the door.

"Thanks Freya, please speak to Luke by the way," Beau half asks, half tells me.

"I told you, I will think about it."


That's the first of Luke's phone calls I've answered. It was basically just him asking me to meet him, me declining, so him trying to tell me why he thought it was a good idea to keep that he was famous from me.

Déjà Vu, I know.

And by the way, I'm still not ready to meet him. I'm still just thinking things through in my head.

Yes, I know I take a while to process things.

The truth is, I like Luke a lot. I really want to forgive him, but I don't want him to hurt me again.

If I did forgive him, and we got back together, I don't think I would be able to trust him again.


It was only the next day after the call that I realised that maybe I should actually meet him. It would make sense. I'd hopefully not just forgive him as soon as I saw him. Because that is likely.

I texted him and asked where he wanted to meet me, and he told me at the Starbucks round the corner from my flat.

I quickly tidied myself up, showered and changed into pink shorts and a grey top.

Luckily, when I arrived Luke was already there, sitting alone at a two person table with two drinks in front of him. From where I was standing, it looked like a cotton candy frappe was the drink for me. God, this guy knows how to win me over.

Keeping my eyes fixed on my sandals, I slowly walk over to the table. I look up and slightly raise my eyebrows at Luke, as if asking for permission to sit down. He waves a hand towards the seat, meaning for me to sit, which I do.

"Hey." He says simply. It was a short word, but it made me remember just how much I feel for him.

"Hi," I return, while eyeing up the frappe, not wanting to drink it just incase it's for someone else.

As if he read my mind, he tells me he got it for me.

I thank him, and sit, staring at the cream wall while I wait for him to say something. He's biting his lip, a nervous habit of his which I find incredibly sexy.

"I'm sorry," he blurts out suddenly, followed by rushed explanations of why he didn't tell me before.

I already know why he didn't tell me. He's told me loads of times.

"How did you do it?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Do what?" Luke furrows his brows.

"It." I reply after a short pause.

I can tell he's confused, so I continue. "How did you take me places and not get noticed by screaming girls, when you have millions of fans, all of whom would do anything for even just a hug from you?"

He shrugged, "I guess I just know where my fans go, and where they don't go."

I nod my head slowly, thinking.

Thinking. I've been doing a lot of that lately.

"I'm sorry." He says, yet again.

"I know you are." I smile with the left side of my mouth.

"Freya, you know how I feel about you, and how I can never let you go." Luke reaches for my hand, and I let him hold it.

"I feel the same way. I don't want to lose you, but I just don't know if I would be able to trust you Luke."

"I swear there's no other secrets. I will honestly never even be able to lie to you again," he tells me, as he rests his head in his hands.

"Can I have a few days? Then we can see how it goes," I decide.

"Anything you need, love."




hey guys (:

so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but life hasn't been too great so I've not been focused.

I decided to change the name of the fanfic, to Luke's Choice because I thought McDonald's Moment was a bit weird.

Obviously since the title change, I had to change the cover of the book, comment your opinion on it please.

I promise this time that updates will be a lot more frequent, thanks for being patient (:

vote and comment if you liked it! it means a lot and gives me motivation to write more, x

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