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Two days it's been since the shot, and Jai has just become conscious again. A nurse came to tell me and Luke, but she says they have to do a few things before we can see him.

Luke is fine. He was just in shock. Me and Luke got away lightly, but that definitely doesn't go for Jai. I've been worrying nonstop for these past two days. And the tears keep coming. I just can't help feeling like this is my fault.

The other boys came as soon as we called them. They are all just as worried as we are. They said that when it's okay to go and see Jai, me and Luke can go in first, since we saw what happened.

Luke has been there, comforting me this whole time, even though I feel it is me that should be comforting him since it is his brother. Honestly, I just have a feeling that gun shot wasn't aimed at him, but at me.

My theory is that someone; a fan most likely, wants me dead and tried to shoot me. Lately, the boys fans have been giving me a hard time but I never actually thought one of them would be ruthless enough to actually try to kill me. The fact that they actually got Jai instead of me makes me feel sick. I would much rather they killed me.

"Freya?" Luke squeezed my hand.

"Hmm?" I became alert straight away, knowing there's a chance we will be seeing Jai soon.

"The nurse said we can see Jai in 10 minutes," he smiles, putting his arm around me and pulling me close.

"Luke, how can you be this strong? He's your brother and you're just staying strong for me. I'm grateful for that Luke. I love you." Slowly I lean in, towards his lips. It has been so long since I've felt his lips on mine. Too long.

Our lips synced with each other's perfectly, just like normal. We stayed, lips connected, for a good few minutes until we drew apart for breath, and remembered that we are in public.

The clock ticks, five minutes go by. Slowly. Achingly. Desperately.

Finally a nurse comes, and leads us to Jai's room. We walk side by side, hand in hand, nervous together to see what has happened to Jai. The tension is killing me.

"Now," the nurse turns to us and starts telling us some rules. "Don't be too loud, keep the physical contact to an absolute minimum and don't talk about what has happened." She smiles and pushes the door open.

It takes all I've got not to run to Jai and hug the shit out of him. It's obviously Luke is feeling the same.

All I can do is grin from ear to ear as walk to Jai and sit at a chair close to him.

"Jai," I state. Almost unable to believe I'm actually talking to him.

Luke says hello too, while we wait for Jai to reply. We are waiting about twenty seconds before he starts.

"Hey guys." He manages to get out. I don't know what's happened to his brain, but I don't think he can speak fluently anymore. "I. Missed. You. Both." He continues, slowly, but getting there.

"We missed you too Jai," I say, seeing that Luke is speechless. The tables have turned, now I'm the one who has to stay strong for Luke. I have to be able to cope with this. I can't let him down.

We all just sit there, for about five minutes in an awkward silence. Luke is too shocked to know what to say, I don't want to make Jai speak, and Jai is clearly fine with not speaking.

We decide to say bye to Jai, and let the others see him.


The nurse tells us all to go home. Wait a few days. Get some rest. Wash. Eat. Do whatever. Just leave Jai some time.

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