Minho x Reader "I'm so sorry."

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Minho sat in silence as the other Gladers worked around him. Not being able to work was starting to get to him. He was a nuisance, all he could do was sit around and wait till it was time to eat. I watched the runner from a distance, he wouldn't want me near him, after all, I was the one to hurt him. Newt walked over to the sulking man and spoke in a hushed tone but all I could hear was Minho's reply. "Slim it! You don't know what it's like!" Newt chuckled at looked at his leg. I didn't understand what the Brit was getting at but Minho sure did. He apologized and Newt whispered something in his ear, pointing at me. Minho got up and began walking over only to pass me and walk to the kitchen.

I sighed and got myself some breakfast. I sat alone, again, and ate waiting for my brother, Gally to wake up. Looking around, I saw Gally grab some food and walk over. He noticed the defeated look on my face. "Why don't you try to talk to him, sis? Can't hurt to try?" I got up and walked over to Minho, taking Gally's advice.

"I'm sorry," I spoke, interrupting his current conversation with Thomas. "I made a stupid decision, I left you and you got hurt, I'm so sorry." Minho got up and put a finger to my lips.

"You said you would be there for me and you weren't," I was about to speak again but he interrupted "Slim it shuck face, I don't care!" Minho stomped off and an angry Gally followed behind. Newt hugged me as I cried. I guess I don't have to worry about knowing if Minho likes me back. 


Thanks for reading. Sorry it's short

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