The Worst News Ever

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It was almost 12:00. Harry was almost late. He rushed outside and went inside his car. (Louis was in the shower.) He drived to Nick's flat and honked his car. After a few minutes, he came. He sat next to the drivers seat, which Harry was sitting on.

"Hi Harry" he said.

"Whatever." Harry replied to Nick as he kept driving.

"Whats wrong with you?" asked Nick confused.

"I don't know. What do you think?" Harry asked, not bothering to look at him.

"Do you still love me?" Nick asked Harry.

"NO! I dont love you. And I never have." screamed Harry, looking angry.

"T-then what about-" Nick said but Harry interrupted.

"Those dates and kisses never meant anything to me. I don't know why I ever hooked up with you. I love Louis. OKAY?!" Harry screamed.

"Then why did you ask me to come with you? Huh?" Nick asked.

"Because I don't like going alone and everyone was busy and Louis didn't want to come with me, so you were the only one left to ask." Harry answered.

"Then maybe I shouldn't come with you either." Nick screamed as he was about to open the car door. Harry grabbed Nick's hand just as he was about to open the door.

"No. Don't go. Please? I need you to come with me." Harry said softly this time.

"Why should I? You don't love me." Nick said without looking a Harry.

"Ok fine. I l-l-l-love you. Now will you come with me?" Harry said stuttering the 'I love you' part.

"Really? You love me?" Nick said happily. "Yes. Really." Harry said without exicitement. Truth is, Harry didn't mean anything he said to Nick. He just needed Nick to go with him. "Ok I'll come with you." Nick siad as he closed the door and sat back down on his seat.

"Now look. We're already late," Harry said as he tried to drive fast. "Calm down. We're not that late." Nick stated. "Yes we are. Now please shut up." Harry said. Nick just sighed. The rest of the ride was quiet. Finally! After a few more minutes or so, they finally arrived at the doctor's office. Harry and Nick got out of the car and went inside. Harry signed in his name in the front of the office and they waited in the waiting room as they got everything ready. Harry sat next to the magazines and Nick sat next to him. "Harry can I say something to you?" Nick asked. "What?" Harry replied as he grabbed a magazine and opened it. "Do you love me or Louis more?" Nick asked sadly. Harry froze. The answer was obvious. It was Louis. He loved Louis more than anything. But Harry didn't know how to say it to him. He looked at Nick and asked "Why?" And then Nick replied "Because I just wanted to know." Nick said. "Oh. Well..." Harry laughed without humor, "....I love you more obviously." "Then can you please break up with Louis and move in with me?" Nick asked. And Harry froze again. He didn't want to break up with Louis. He didn't. Harry put away his magazine back on the table and face Nick so he can explain. "Well.. you see" Harry started. Just then Harrys name is called. "We'll talk about this later. Okay?" Harry wispered as he got up from his chair. Then Nick got up and they both went inside the check up room. First the nurse measured Harry. Then the nurse leaded them to their room. The nurse put Harry's information in the folder that was attached to the wall next to the door and told them to wait for the doctor to arrive. After five minutes, the doctor came in. "Hello. I'm Dr. Margret. Which one of you in Harry Styles?" asked the doctor. "Me. I'm Harry Styles." Harry said. Oh hi Harry. And you must be Louis Tomlinson." the doctor said as she looked at Nick. "Um No. I'm Nick Grimshaw. Harry's boyfriend." said Nick. Harry widend his eyeballs as soon as he heard Nick say the word 'boyfriend', but he decided not to say anthing about it. "Ok then. Hello Nick. So Harry what seems to be the problem?" said the doctor as she closed the door and took out her note pad. "Well I have really bad stomach aches and I keep throwing up frequently, especially in the morning." Harry explained as the doctor wrote down notes on her note pad. "Alright. Have you been drinking a lot of alchohol latey?" asked the doctor. "No I haven't. I haven't been drunk in 1 year." answered Harry. "OK then. Did you eat anything bad or poisonous?" "No I don't think so." Harry said. "Alright. Have you had any sexual intercourse with anyone?" the doctor asked. Harry had to think. Yes he did have a sexual intercourse a few days ago. With Nick. He felt too embarrased to asnwer but he knew he had to for his own good. "Yes. I did have one a few days ago." He said as he looked over at Nick. Nick agreed as well. "Uh huh. And did you use protection?" the doctor asked Harry. Wow the doctor asked really embarrasing questions, but she had to ask them in order to find out what was wrong with Harry. Harry had to think hard to answer this question. And so did Nick. Then they both remembered. No. They did not use a condom. "No I'm afraid we did not use any protection." Harry asnwered worridly. The doctor kept writing notes. "Ok Harry. Now we will give you a few shots. It may hurt but it won't take long." With that, the doctor left the room and after a few while the nurses came with a bunch of needles. If one thing's for sure, Harry hates shots. He hates them so much. But he must take them anyways. The nurses told him to pull up his sleeves so Harry did as was told. Then the nurses rubbed it with some alchohol and then they pushed the needle in. Harry had to close his eyes tight but he could still feel it. Soon it was done. He had to take two more. But it didn't take long. Soon Harry was done taking all his shots and the doctor came back in. "Ok Harry. Now we will take one blood test." The doctor put in a big needle into Harry's left arm. It hurt really bad, but it was soon over and Harry was relieved. "All set. Now we'll just examine your blood and tell you whats wrong." The doctor said and left the room. That leaves Harry and Nick alone in the room. "I'm so scared." Harry said to Nick. "Why? There's nothing to be scared of." Nick reassured. "You're right. There's nothing to be scared of." agreed Harry. "So Harry? Are you gonna break up with Louis?" asked Nick. "I don't know. I'm not sure yet." Harry said. Then the doctor came in. She came in and closed the door then sat down. "Ok Harry. We did lots of examinations and it turns out that you might be pregnant." said the doctor. Harry was shocked. "WHAT?" Harry screamed. "Harry, you're pregnant." the doctor confirmed. "B-but this can't be. I'm a man, not a woman." Harry said worriedly. "I know Harry, but you were born with some female parts inside your body." said the doctor. "NO! Who am I pregnant with?" Harry asked. "Well, who did you have a sexual intercourse with?" said the doctor. "Um, Nick." answered Harry. "Well then congratulations. You are pregnant with Nick." the doctor said as she left the room. "I'll let you guys talk."she said before she left the room. "Yay Harry. We're pregnant. I'm so happy." Nick said as he got up to hug Harry. Harry, however, was not happy. At all. He pushed away Nicks hand and covered his face with both of his hands and started crying. Harry got up and ran out the door. Nick started chasing Harry. Harry did not want to be pregnant with someone he does not love, he wanted Louis. Louis always said that he wanted to start a family with Harry and Harry ruined it. Harry got in the car and left Nick behind. He didn't want Nick anymore. He ran inside the house and started crying on the floor. He sat against the wall and he cried into his hands. Louis was upstairs sleeping, but he was a light sleeper, so he heard quiet sobs coming from downstairs. Louis quickly got out of bed, rubbed his eyes to get rid of his sleepiness, and ran downstairs. When he got downstairs, he had to pause. He saw Harry crying. He hates it when Harry cries. He ran over to Harry. ''Harry what happened?'' Louis asked confused. Harry sniffed. "Leave me alone Louis." he said. "But Harry? Why are you crying? Did something happen at the doctors?" asked Louis. "I dont want to talk about it." Harry said. "Fine. I'll call Liam then." Louis said as he went to get his phone off the table. Just as Louis was about to dial Liam's phone number, Harry screamed. "NO! Don't call him!" as he got up. "Then tell me what happened." Louis replied. "I can't." Harry said. Louis looked away from Harry without saying a word and looked back down at his phone as he kept dialing Liams number. Harry began to become nervous and he started figiting with his hands. He became even more nervous when Louis started talking to Liam on the phone. "Hello Liam?" he said. "Yes Louis? Whats wrong."  "Do you know whats wrong with Harry?"  "What do you mean?"  "He's crying and he won't tell me what happened so I thought you might know since you went with him to his appointment."  "I didn't go with him. I was at piano class."  "But Harry told me you were going with him."  "No, I told him that I couldn't go with him because I have piano class." "Oh ok. Thanks anyways Liam. Bye" With that, Louis hung up the phone and went to Harry. "Harry why did you lie to me?" Louis asked Harry. Harry sighed. He went to sit on the couch and Louis sat next to him. Harry didn't answer so Louis asked again. "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" Louis screamed. "Louis, I didn't mean to lie to you. I called Liam and he said he was busy so I called Zayn and Niall but they were busy as well. So I asked-" Just then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Louis said as he got up and headed for the door. He opened it and found Nick standing there. Louis hated Nick. Why did he come to thier flat. "Is Harry in here?" Nick asked Louis as he pushed Louis and came inside. "Hey! You don't just come into poeple's house like that!" Louis said angrily. Nick didn't care about Louis or his comment. Then Harry came to see what was going on and he was shocked to see Nick at his and Louis' flat. What was Louis going to say? What was he going to do. "Harry we need to talk" Nick told Harry. "Talk about what?" Harry asked nervously as he rubbed his arms. "Harry you're pregnant and we need to talk about some stuff." Nick said. "Harry, you're pregnant?" Louis asked surprised. Harry looked down at the floor and nodded. "How come he knows and I don't?" Louis asked angrily to Harry. "Because I went with him. Now Shut up! I need to talk to Harry." Nick told Louis. "Talk to him about what?" Louis asked back. "I need to talk to him about our baby. Now please let us talk!" Nick answered. "Wait! Did you say our baby? Is Harry pregnant with your child?" Louis asked Nick. "Yes! He's pregnant with my child. Gosh!" Nick screamed. Louis was shocked and mad. He walked past Harry and Nick and stomped upstairs to his room. Harry teared up and ran to the bathroom. He locked it, sat against the wall and started to cry again. Louis was probably never going to want to see Harry again. Louis gave Harry one month to fix this relationship and Harry ruined it. He ruins everything. Just thinking about Louis breaking up with him made Harry cry louder and louder.

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