Chapter 1.

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Maze's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I sighed and hit end. I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I got dressed and ran a comb through my hair. "Don't forget your hat!" My dad said popping my hat on my head. "Right thank you, dad." I said adjusting it. He waved goodbye as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. "Off to school.." I said to myself. I walked up the steps of auradon high school, I took a deep breath before walking into the school. "Oh my god, hi. Are you new?" A girl rushed up to me. "I.. um yeah.." I stuttered out. "I'm rose, daughter of pocahontas." She said and smiled. "I'm maze, son of the mad hatter." I told her which seemed to catch another's attention. "Hatter you say?" He smirked and looked me head to toe.

"Uh.. yes." I said awkwardly and looked at the ground. "I'm harry, harry hook." He said and held out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled shyly. "Do you need help getting around maze?" Rose butted in. "Oh no thank you I'm alright." I smiled at her warmly and walked towards my dorm room. "Mind if I tag along." Harry said following me. "I'm just putting my bags in my room." I told him. "That's alright." He said. I nodded and continued walking. "Funny this is where my room-" he started as I stopped in front of his room. "Oh I guess we're sharing eh?" He chuckled. "I guess so." I said awkwardly as we walked into the room. I took the bed in the far corner and set my bags down. "Do you think I have time to unpack?" I asked him and he shrugged. "What's your first class." He asked.

I looked at my schedule. "Fairy god mothers class." I told him and he looked at the time. "Probably not." He told me and I sighed. "Guess it can wait." I said and got my books. "Would you like some help finding her class? I'm in her class to." He said and I nodded. "Yes please. " I said and followed behind him.

happily never after (harry hook x OC)Where stories live. Discover now