|Christophe - Prologe|

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"How dare you!?" I screamed at Gregory. "I azk for zoiderz and you bring me children! Incompatent children!" 

Gregory was greeted by the unplesant surpize of me. It took me a whole week to get back into town! A whole week! I had been dragged into the woods by wolves, I had to hit them with my shovle until they let go of my leg! "M-mole?"

"Shut up!"

Gregory was taken back by my outlash. "Christophe, what's going on!?" He yelled confused and what looked like sleppy. His reply just made me more fureous. "You don't remember!? You zent me out to help Terrance and Phillip, but I ended up dying! And by gaurd dogz! I fucking hate dogz!"

He put his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. "Christophe, please calm down, it's two in the morning! My parents are asleep!" He hissed pressing his finger to my lips. "You can come inside just st-"

"No!" I interupt, staring Gregory down. "I azked you to do one zimple thing, and you can't even do that!" He glared at me putting pressure on my shoulder. 

"I would have gone myself, but they volentired and the Stan fellow seemed like he really wanted to go it with his friends! I couldn't say no!" 

I spat my cigarette on the deck and stepped on it, putting it out. "Yez, you can! Like thiz; No! Zo no more excuses, and tell me why ze everloving fuck would you not go!" He rubbed his temples in frusteration. "Like I said, they volintered! I didn't think it was that big of a deal!"

"Not that big a deal!? Fuck. You. You're almozt az bad az God, you dick!" I spat, pulling another cigerette out of my pocket and lighting it, fresh flavor filling my senses. Gregory stood in shock. He knew how much I hated God. "What, iz it not zo fun now!?" I blew smoke in his face, causing him to cough.

He looked hurt and angry. He desurved both. "Excuse me!? I'm not the one who did those things, I admit I should have made sure someone was with them, but I didn't and you're back and you're fine so just shut up you french freak!" 

Just as the words spilled from his lips be slammed his hands over them. "Well," I said shakilly. He was the one person who would never say that to me. The one person... "It'z nice too know what you think of me." Tears brimmed my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. Not in front of him anyway. I turned around on my heel and started to walk away.

"C-Christophe, I-I I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, please-"He spun me around praying to his stupid, shit-faced God that I would forgive him. "I thought we were friendz!" I snapped shutting him up for the time being. "Christophe, we... we are friends." He whispered.

"Not after thiz we're not." I snarled spitting my newer cigerette in his face. Gregory just stood there not knowing how to respond. He didn't even flick the bud from his face. "That'z what I thought..."

That night he followed me home, begging to be forgiven. He desurved to have that bitch Wendy break up with him. The next following days he got me all sorts of gifts. A new sholve, a stuffed geraffie that reminded me of the one I gave to him when we were four, cigerettes, etc.  

"You know what Christophe!?" He had been yelling at me for the past hour. I was in my room reading a book about war when his change in tone caught my attention. "I don't need you or your stupid shovle in my life! And you know what!?" I opened my window to hear better. "God is the greatest thing, ever!!"

I flipped him off and screamed. "Get ze fuck out of my property, before I drop my shovle of your neck!" Gregory returned the favor by flipping the bird.

I couldn't believe him! I trusted him, I told him everything and vice-versa, but when I called him names, I was calling him a friend! I look down at my hands. They were grimmy and covered in soil from digging.


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