|Gregory - Chapter One|

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I was deleting contacts off my phone and I came across his name. Christophe. I had him saved under "The Mole" but I thought it would have been amusing to call him "Dying Giraffe" and it would have been funny. Back then at least.

It's been six years since our "fight", and he still thinks he's on the correct side of it. I did nothing wrong and I bet he can't even tell me why we're arguing! I clicked on this contact, the photo was of me and him at one of his birthdays. It was the day I gave him that shovel he always carries around. I gave it to him because be said when he grew up he wanted to dig for bones. But I guess plans change.

My finger hovers over the 'delete contact' button and my head and heart battle it out. Heart wins by a longshot. I just can't do it... He was my best friend. Was. He just contains too many memories to give up. He's too extraordinary to be in South Park. Much too extraordinary.

School starts soon. I better get moving. I left without telling my mother, she should know where I'm going. It didn't take that long to get to the academy. Somehow, I'm one of the only kids in South Park that don't ride the bus.

I enter the room glancing around at students. Stan and Kyle are talking to each other, Kenny playing with the strings of his hood. Cartman, the fat kid was making fun of anyone and everyone in sight because well, he's Cartman. Christophe was in the back of the classroom, not even sitting in a chair. Just... leaning on the wall, a reserved look in his eyes.

He notices me and grimaces. Still not over it, I suppose. Class starts and Christophe doesn't even bother looking for an empty desk. The only open space is next to me, and God knows that's not going to happen any time soon, even if he is a bastard according to my ex-best friend.

"Hey, dirt giraffe, sit the Hell down, we're not in Japan!" Mr.Garassion yells not knowing anything about Japan. "No." The brunette replies, clearly not giving a shit. "I said sit down! If you don't, I'm going to take your shovel and make it one of Mr.Hat's companions!"

Christophe's eyes widened and he quickly takes up the space next to me. As much as he hates me, losing his shovel was much worse in comparison. I smile slightly at that thought. I gave him that shovel when I was trying to apologize for calling him a freak. It was a nice token of appreciation to me. It showed he cared. Or at least used to. Or maybe he just liked the shovel.



I've gotten used to calling him that. I'm sure it doesn't hurt as much -if it hurts at all anymore- when I call him a freak. It's sad, but now making fun of him has become a reflex to whenever he vocalizes to me. For all I know, he's tried to say sorry multiple times and I've been screwing it all up with my words.

I can hear what he's saying. Christophe is cussing out God for making him sit next to me in his french dialect. His voice was smooth and -to be honest- quite comforting if you don't focus on the words. We used to stay up till dawn talking about absolutely nothing. Used too.

And while we're being honest... Well... I miss him. He i-was my best friend. For the rest of the class, we stay silent between each other. There always is. That sickening, sickening silents. The air pressure got to me each and every time, pushing for me to say something, anything.

No matter what I did seemed to be good enough. I apologized, I gave grand gestures, and I even told him all my hopes and fears like a damned fifth-grade girl! Sometimes I wonder why I even try. But then I remember that besides from Pip and his boyfriend (the chaotic heathen) Damian I'm alone and he was and has been the bother I've never had.

The closest I ever had to anyone like him was Damian but he had an annoying way of talking to others. It was like he didn't care about what others have to say, as where Christophe would listen. He just had a habit of cursing and yelling at God.

God, I miss him.

That was ironic. The school bell rang and students filled the empty halls, a cluttering of words and noises saturating the corridors. Tweek screamed running down the halls yelling something about a murderer, Kenny was flirting with that blonde fellow and Cartman was fighting with Kyle. Just the usual.

It's funny. I know the "usual" for the people who ruined my friendship with Christophe. Lots of things that go on in South Park seem to revolve around the four. Another "funny" thing was how much I thought of Christophe.

It was my greatest regret. Saying one word. One, damned word. "Move it brit," Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "I can't have you fucking up going home. Not zat too." He growled bumping shoulders with me.

"Well, sorry I was walking on the same planet as you!" I snapped back at him. "Yez, I'm zorry for zat too."

We let the silents float up between us a raw atmosphere rise up. Why does he have to be so indifferent? I understand that I'm not as on top of that as I'd like to be, but at least I try! He made so angry sometimes with is primal actions! "Vous gâchez tout ce que vous touchez, ne vous approchez pas de moi, tu aime Dieu salope!" Christophe cursed in french. I understood every word.

"That's it!! You can push me around, you can call me names, but enough is enough you french bastard!"

I swung my fist at him causing him to step back and hold his cheek. Guilt overflood my every sense. "I'm so sorry, I just got upset because it-"

"Oh s'il te plait, j'attendais ça depuis longtemps!" Christophe screamed tackling me to the ground. "Je vais te faire perdre la merde!"

"Right back at you, slut!"

He hit me in the eye, undoubtedly leaving a bruise. I grabbed his shoulders and rolled him over so I was pinning him down instead. Luckily, Christophe lost his shovel when I turned him over! I kicked the shovel away from us, the metal screeching against the floor.

I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek. He slapped me. That bastard slapped me! Tears pooled in my eyes. "Oh, putain." Christophe deadpanned.

"I'm so sick and tired of you always treating me like shit! I know I'm not the best at treating you well either, but at least I try and at least I fucking apologized!"


Clyde held me back by the arms but not for long. "Get the Hell of me, Clyde! When the fuck did you get so strong!?" He pulled me back and off of Christophe. "Sense Token took away my tacos and told me I had to be healthy!" He yelled bearly retaining me.

"Fucker! You're a God-loving manic cockalorum!!" Christophe yelled pushing himself off the floor and scooping up his shovel and pointing it at me with the metal part.

A crowd started to pack around us, murmuring and whispering to each other. "Dude," Stan said turning to Kyle. "This has gone too far. We need to do something about them."

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