|Gregory - Chapter Six|

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wHAt tHE fUcK WaS i ThINkinG!?!

I fucked up bad and there is no going back. GOD DAMN IT!! So many things could have happened! The best being having my first boyfriend, the worst being accused of being a witch and going on trial being beaten by everyone I love and then being buried alive. 

Okay, so the worst is real bad but he could have hit me! Not only did I not give consent but be possibly not like boys or even the thought of liking boys! He could hate me for the rest of my life and I just got him back! I don't want that to happen!

I just got him back...

Not surprisingly I'm the paranoid one out of both of us. If you didn't know before, now you know. Once me and Tweek were forced to face our deepest darkest fears to see who would break down first. Needless to say, Tweek won by a mile.

Maybe I should just put everything aside and focus on the important stuff. Make a list of things I need to get done now and a different list for things I can do later. And then there would be a separate list that is for all the things that cause the most stress and get done with those first so I don't end up having a panic attack.

Now I'm talking. Finally, some logic has come back to me. I don't know how much longer I could go with just me and my "issues". Not long I'm sure. "Gregory what are you doin' here feller?" Butters? Yes I know him, everyone knows him. I think he climbed out of the janitor's closet...

"I got trapped in a room with Christophe because Pip thought it would be a good idea. I think he should have hindsight about that, but he really doesn't." I tell the truth. There really is no need to lie. "Oh... Well, if you find him, give him a pat on the back for me will ya?" He chirped.

"Buttercup are you wearing my shirt, I swear this one is too small and-"

Kenny just came out of the closet.

Butters blushed and hid behind Kenny. "Uh..." They both said in unison. "I can explain I swear!" Kenny said desperately and blushing a deep red. "It's cool, I figured." I shrugged. The most surprising thing about it was that he was with Butters. I would have figured Kyle or Craig if he wasn't with Tweek. 

"So who's top?" I asked bluntly.

Butters held onto Kenny's arm which was weird because Butters is taller than Kenny. (Sorry, it's just a head-cannon X3) "W-what do you mean feller?" Butters stuttered. I gave him my 'you-know-what' stare and he got the message. "Why would you even ask that question!?" Kenny said less flustered. "Well, I assumed it would be you, but I know for a fact you're into some weird stuff, and lets face it, the most innocent are usually the kinkiest."

"I mean, he's not wrong."


Butters grabbed Kenny's arm and dragged him off. I could tell he was angry, or ay least embarrassed at what his boyfriend said. Someone's going home with a pink slip tonight. You're welcome Kenny.

I shrugged the situation off and ignored it when Clyde and Cartman came out of a locker. I'm just going to say that never happened. If I did, it would probably haunt my every waking moment that's for sure. 

Quickly, I run out of the school, almost terrified to see what would happen next. That is one of the down sides of living in South Park. One of the up sides? All most everything is legal. Not even joking. Once I saw a kid come in with a fucking bomb, say it was for science, and start up something called 'Global Cooling' which is bull shit if you ask me.

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