|Christophe - Chapter Five|

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"Zat won't work, I know."

Gregory wiped around and looked at me in shock. "What did you expect? Taylor fucking Swift?" I ask rating a brow. What did he think was going to happen? Pip told me everything while he was waiting for Gregory's class to get out. I suppose they know how I don't give a shit about school and skip most classes.

"Why the fuck am I here!?"

"BECAUSE YOU ZAID IT WAZ OKAY IF PIP COULD HELP 'FIX' OUR 'RELATIONSHIP'!!" I yell accusing him of getting us into this mess. 

Gregory rolled his eyes and pressed his head up against the door. So I was right... He slid down in shame and hugged his knees to his chest. He looked... defeated... I don't think I've ever seen him like that. He was always the type to rebel, not to give up the moment things are looking down. 

I lightly hit on the head with my shovel. "You alright?" I ask in a hardened tone. Just me asking is a huge gesture. He better not screw this up for himself. "Do I look alright to you!?" He snapped less aggressively than usual. "It's my fault you're in this situation. Sorry I guess..."

I flipped him off and stood away from him. Sorry? SORRY!? S O R R Y ! ? The fuck is going on!? Did his parents die or something because I've never heard him say sorry before 'the incident' and never again after that! Someone must have fucked with his brain for other crazy crap!

We stayed in silents for a few more minutes, neither one of us wanting to start any sort of conversation. What is Pip's problem! I have men on the field depending on me and I stuck here with the person who thinks my life in interchangeable! My beeper goes off multiple times and I don't even bother to check it. Either they're all dead or they all went home. There is no in-between.

4:32. That's how long it's been sense we've gotten forced into this room. Pip and occasionally Damian would check up on us every ten to twenty minutes to see if we had 'figured things out' but that's a load of pig shit. Those ass hats will have to ca- "What can I do... to make it up to you...?" Gregory spoke up looking at me curiously.

I rased a brow. "For what? Locking uz in zis room, or ruining our friendzhip forever and ever?" I ask sarcastically turning my attention to my shovel. I need to clean the blade soon. "The second thing." He stated scooting closer to me. I scooted away. 

"What can I do? I really want to know. In all honesty, Pip and Damian are great and all but I really miss hanging out with you. Setting traps, coming up with plans for almost any given scenario just for the heck of it. So I'm done being a twot and I'm going to really do something about it. So what can I do?" He asked more confidently.

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him. "What do you think!?" I hissed. "You'll have to find out yourzelf or never find out at all!" He sighed and sulked back into his spot. "I never stood a chance did I?" He said, almost with an amusing tone. 

"Zat'z ze thing." I grimace making complete eye contact with him. "You did at one point." 

Gregory choked on air and scrambled towards me quickly. "I did!? When, why, how!?" He question holding my shoulders and shaking me back and forth. "Remember right after you did zat thing and zaid zose thingz? Right after zat. And then again later when you gave me zat ztuffed giraffe. You know how I love giraffes." 

I smiled at the thought. I still have it at home in my hole where I keep all my special things. Don't look at me like that, it's my favorite animal! "Heheh. Yeah." He crossed his arms across his chest. "Waa, waa!" He smiled back making a sound like a dying giraffe.

And soon, I join him in making giraffe nosies. "Okay, I have a question," Gregory stopped and looked me dead in the eyes. "If a giraffe is your favorite animal, why have it's death as you call thingy?" He asked genuinely curious. 

"Eh, I juzt found it interezting I guess." I shrug gazing at the other. "Makes sense." He replied even though it didn't make any sense at all. Even I didn't really know the answer. 

Another, long, uncomfortable, cold, silents. 

He coughed and cleared the air once more. "So all I had to do is get you another fucking giraffe and none of this would have happened?" Gregory asked look down at the carpeted floor. "Yeah. I know it'z weird logic but you have no idea how much I LOVE giraffez!" I said clinching my fist to be dramatic. 

Gregory smiled sadly making eye contact for a brief moment before moving back to their original position. He looked almost guilty and regretful. Like he had missed a great opportunity of some sort. And... for the first time in a long, long, time I felt for him. I too had missed an opportunity long ago.

I placed my hand gently on top of his, brushing my finger tips across his. He looked up at me clearly confused. "I... I forgive what you've done. That doesn't mean I'll forget anytime zoon, but it doez mean you can come by and say hello every once any a while without being cursed at and it alzo meanz we can talk more often. Like how we're talking now."

He chuckled slightly. "So our friendship has regulations? Classic Christophe." He said inching closer to me. "Friendz? Who zaid anything about zat? We are merely people who have had pazzed relationz and talk now." I state only half joking. "Conzider it a zecond chance. Don't fuck up." He smiled and finally connected our hands. I didn't pull away. 

"I won't. I promise." He said quietly staring into my eyes. He leaned in getting closer. He closed his eyes slowly and interlocked our hands. I could feel his breath on my lips. I never noticed how pretty he was until now... I think he was going to ki-

"Times up, the school said we have to let you guys go and- whaaaaaaaaat?"



Gregory jumped up, startled, and quickly got off of me. "Oh man, I just interrupted something huge didn't I?" He said bearing the weight of both our stares. "So do you want privacy or..." He trailed off clearly unfamiliar to situations like these.

"Go the fuck away dip shit!" Gregory yelled blushing. Damian mouthed an 'oh' and slowly back away from the door as if Gregory had a gun on him. 

The blonde stood up, and left quickly covering his face. I took a mental picture. Never before have I seen or known Gregory to be so embarrassed in his life. It made me smile. If only our moment hadn't been ruined by that fuck boy. 

I don't recall having any feelings for Gregory besides companionship and until now, hatred and spite. Well, not exactly that. I also missed him in my own weird way. I missed have my pillar, my fallback, my best friend. And I think the fact he gave up after a week just made it a little worse. And I don't know why but hearing him actually ask how he can fix things restored some of those feelings of neediness. 

Strange, I know.

I pushed myself off the floor and left the room team "Dip" had forced me into. They basically cornered me by telling me dogs were in most of the spots and they even pulled me down from crawling on top of the lockers again.

Damn dogs.

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