|Chapter Three|

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When there is no P.O.V. on the chapter, that means there's gonna be more than 1 P.O.V. designated for half the chapter. That's it, hope y'all enjoy!!

|Gregory's P.O.V.|

There I was, minding my own damned business under my "La Revolution" and gay pride flags when Phillip texted me at one in the morning!

Pip: Good morning Gregory, by any chance have you seen Christophe? Both him and I were supposed to meet up with Damian, but he ever showed. 

Bloody Hell.

Gregory.of.Yarddale: Why should I care? 

Pip: Because you're the only other person that hangs out with him, and I have no bloody idea where he is.

Gregory.of.Yarddale: I don't know where he is. Now please, I'm trying to get some rest.

Pip: Right-o.

I turn off my phone and set it on the floor sense I don't have a night stand and groan. Why can't I just get some sleep? And why was Pip up so late? I need to get some sleep... 

Pip: Are you completely and utterly sure?

Gregory.of.Yarddale: I'm quite sure, now go to bed, I'm sure Damian is worried about you staying up so late.

Pip: Damian and I aren't a thing.

Gregory.of.Yarddale: Bullshit.

Pip: Right-o. Is there any place sir Christophe might have gone by any chance?

Gregory.of.Yarddale has blocked Pip

"Why does everything revolve around that grimy French mercenary!?" I scream into my blank white pillow. It's true though. Everything I do leads back to my ex-best friend and I can't seem to stop it! And perhaps I want to think of him more often than not, but like Hell I would admit to it. But I can't help but wish that he thinks of me as often as I do him. 

Does he think about me at all? Is there some part of him that wants us to be friends again? Dose he ever regret not exerting my apology and is to stubborn to say something? I hope. And I know it'a both mean and rude to wish some one was in pain, but I want him to feel how I feel. In pain. Hurt.

That's terrible, believe me, I know, but it would comfort me acknowledging that he felt some sort of remorse. Help me sleep better, you know?

I sigh and rub my eyes in exhaustion and unblock Pip. He didn't mean to upset me. It's just that Ze Mole is a touché subject with me. On one hand, I hate him with. every fiber of my being, for every little "prank" he has pulled on me, for every glare he shot, for every word that left his filthy mouth! 

But on the other hand...

I love him.

Always have.

Always will.

No matter what he says or does. 

I want to be there, beside him.

He can hate me all his life, and I can hate him back at times but that doesn't deny the truth.

I love Christophe.

|Christophe's P.O.V.|

I don't remember when the last time I tried to avoid dogs for this long! Here I am, still in fucking school, over this twitch kids locker who was to afraid of me to even get his stuff! I dropped my phone apparently while scaling the lockers and like Hell I'm going back down there to get it! The dogs still might be there and I'm not taking any chances!

Dog backwards is God. Two things I hate with a burning passion. Coincidence? I think not! Maybe this whole thing was a ploy to get me away from my phone so when somebody contacts me I don't get the message and my house gets burned to the ground or worse! No one calls me on my beeper because they all think it's to old fashioned!

That's the fucking point so stop looking at me like that! It's better than some forms of communication and even more useful at times! Stupid God-loving conformists think that everything will be solved with new technology but they're just lying to themselves! 

I hate this.

Usually, I'd be at home sleeping right now but no~! I have to be stuck here without anyone in the fucking dark, not even sure if the fucking dogs are still there! "Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why in ze name of Hell would zey still be here!? I'd rather get attacked then be stuck here for another minute!!" 

The sun was already starting to rise and if I must skip school to get some damned rest, then I was going to do it! I jumped down, glancing side to side. I keep my finger tips on my shovel handle, ready to defend myself if any dogs really are around. Quickly I snatch my phone from the floor and dart out of the school's front doors, making a blockade with branches that fell off of trees. 

I pulled out my shovel digging a deep hole in the frozen Earth and cover it up, leaving a small hole the size of a marble for both air and light. I can't remember how long I was down in that cave in the Earth, but it didn't matter. For some strange reason I feel at home surrounded by dirt on all sides. Like a living zombie. I guess they don't call me "The Mole" for nothing. 

I close my eyes and try to get a few hours of sleep. Hopefully.


Someone stepped on the hollow opening and fell onto of me, bastard! "Ow, what the... Hell?" The student looks at up at me rubbing their head. "Christophe!?" "Gregory, what ze fuck are you doing!?" I scream throwing my hands in the air. 

"What the fuck am I doing, what the fuck are you doing!? I was just going to school, why are you in a fucking hole in the ground at 6:30 in the morning!" He yelled crossing his arms. "What I always do in holes God damn it!" 

Gregory growled at me, narrowing his eyes and I copied his movements. "Fine, don't tell me!" He said stubbornly never breaking eye contact. 






Why is he still in my lap? "Uh, are you going to get off?" I ask annoyed. He tilted his head in confusion. Maybe he forgot he was on me. "I zaid get off!"

Gregory blushed and hopped off me, brushing himself of dirt. "Sorry," He mumbled under his breath. "But it's your fault! You're the one who built a damned hole in the middle of school campus, you should be apologizing to me!" He demanded.

Although I don't want to admit it he's right. I did dig the hole and didn't put up any sort of indication that I was in a hole. I may be a mercenary, but I do have ethics when it comes to my ways. Okay, okay, I mean digging and shit, I don't give a fuck about morals! 

"Fine. But tell me Gregory..." "Yes?" "Are zere any dogs up zere?"

He gave me a blank stare, but he seemed almost amused. "No, I swear on La Resistance that there is no dog." Gregory said placing his hand on his chest and holding up the other making the one sign Boy Scouts use to promise something. "Good." I reply.

Gregory held out his hand offering to pull me up with a smile. "I don't need your pity." I growl bearing my teeth. "I'm not pitying you." He said losing the grin. "Let me rephrase. I don't need your help, your pity, or your stupid, stupid, smile! I don't need you!"

I crawled out of my hole, leaving Gregory behind. Good riddens. "This has gone to far..."

Pip? "Go away, you're not a part of zis!" I yell trying to shove him aside. "Well too bad, because that is not 'right-o'! I'm going to get you to help!" Pip said wiping his hat and turning on the heel of his shoe.

"Damn it!"

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