|Gregory - Chapter Four|

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I don't get it. I'm trying to be nice, make up for everything (or at least start up something) and he has to go ahead and become a dickhead! To be honest it felt worse than when he called me names or when he made fun of me. Much worse. 

What do I have to do to get on his good side? Do I have to kill myself for him to finally recognize me as a person? Do I have to kill myself to understand what he wants from me? What do I have to change, what do I have to work on!? I wish he'd just spit it out already. And there always is the possibility that he'll never forgive me for as long as he lives. 

I miss him. Those few seconds in that hole with him, a moment alone, it meant the world to me. The whole world! I'd trade that in 100 times for one more minute. One more minute of fighting like no tomorrow. I'll fight till the end of the world if it's with him. 

Am I gay or what?

Why can't I just get over it already!? I'm clearly not good with emotions or words and the one time I was polight to him, he yelled at me and said he didn't need me... I mean, I already knew that but hearing the actual words being said? It hurt much worse than a black eye. 

I lay there, still in the hole picturing what could happen if Christophe was a little less... Christophe. Or had just taken my hand. Perhaps he would understand I wasn't trying to put him in harms way when I told Stan, Kyle, and Eric they could take my place. I had a whole musical number and everything! He had a reprise of the song I sang!

Maybe he'd be here with me right now... Unlikely, but it's a comforting thought. Maybe I could hold his dirt cover hands and hold him close and peer into his creaming brown eyes. Tell him to take a fucking bath and clean off all that grime on his face. 

"Are you okay Gregory?" Pip asks standing above me peering down at me. "Do I look okay to you!?" I lash out at Pip who was just asking me if I was okay. He shakes his head no. "Right-o. What are you doing down there? I saw Christophe climb out and I heard your voice. What happened?" He asked tilting his head.

"Oh nothing much," I start tailing my hand in the air casually. "You know the crippling pain of living knowing that you single handedly ruined any chance of happiness because you destroyed your friendship by trusting someone else. And how was your day?"

Pip looks at me curiously and helped me out of the cavern ing the Earth. "I'm going to help fix things between you and Christophe." He chipped hopefully. "That's not going to happen and if you think other wise, you're a fool." I state crossing my arms in defiance. 

"The I shall be a fool. I do believe that this is an issue that can be resolved without much conflict, and as I believe so, I will do my best to insure it comes to pass." He explained unnecessarily brushing off my shoulders. 

The nerve of some people. "For you information, there has been much more than conflict going on for more than a year and I doubt you'll be able to fix anything between us." He shakes his head no and leads us to the front doors of our school. "Right-o. But if you think so, I'm sure you won't mind letting me try anyway?" He asked opening door for me

I tapped my chin thinking about the offer. I could say no right now and we could drop the whole issue for years to come. Or I could say yes and let Pip medal in our business and try to patching things up, and let's just admit it, it's Pip. Nothing good can come from this. 

"I suppose I don't mind." 

A wide grin stretched across his face in a playful manner. "Cherrio Gregory, I must be going now!" He tipped his hat, spun around on his ankles, and skipped down the hallway and toward Damian who seemed to be waiting for Pip. 

I wonder what Pip is planning. It can't be too extravagant or huge. I mean, it's Pip! No offense to the poor fellow, but he is quite timid at times and a pushover and pansy the rest of the time. I'm quite confident he won't do anything that a normal eight grader couldn't do in a day of work. That's just the way Pip is. But at times he becomes very devoted and treats something beautiful. Something no body can mock.

And that's why I'm frightful. Mostly for what the Hell he's going to try and do for me and Christophe to be friends again. But for the most part, I'm not worried. As long as he doesn't get my hair wet. 

The rest of the day went smoothly, or as smoothly as South Park will allow anyways, and I couldn't stop thinking about what Pip will do. It's almost as if you know you're going to die in less than twenty-four hours and you still have thirty-nine things to do so you don't suffer damnation. So I guess how Kenny feels all the time. If he cares about dying that is. 

"Gregory!" Mr.Garrison yelled slapping his cruller on my desk. "Are you even paying attention to my class!?" He screamed. "Yes sir!" I lied glancing at the black board for any clue on what we were supposed to be learning. 

"Then you won't have any problem answering why Emma was an accident!" He yelled as all eye turned on me. "Because Rachel is a whore." I answer confidently. This week's topic I believe is Friends the 1990 T.v. show. I think. 

Mr.Gassison nods and continues with the lesson. Wendy glances at me give a sympathetic look as if she was apologizing some how. I turn away and look down at my desk. I guess I never really did get over her did I? I don't really get over a lot of people. 

Christophe snickers at my embaressment. Of course he does. That's just the way he is. I make a mental note to thank Pip later. What he's doing is a good contribution, but it will never work out in the end. But I might as well thank him for his effort.

Man, when did I become such a pussy?

Eh, when I got this haircut but whatever. 

At the end of the day, like all other days in this God forsaken classroom, I've learned nothing of any importance. "Gregory, Gregory!" Pip said waving to me. "Yes, what is it?" I ask in a monotone voice. 

"I've got it! Come with me!" He cheered pulling me along. We didn't walk far, in fact we didn't even leave the school to get to the place Pip was leading us. It was a room not unlike any other room in this building but Damian was waiting in front of the door which was a little unsettling. 

"Excuse me, I know you and Pip are good friends and all, but why are you here exactly?" I ask in the politest manner I can say those words. "He asked for help." Damian explained simply. Way to not be detailed. "Yes, I get that, but what exactly did you help with?"

He shrugged. "You'll see. Now get in the room." He demanded pointing to the door. "Uh, can anyone explain what's going on around here?" I question turning to Pip. This should be good. 

"Well, um, you see..." He seemed to take his time with his next words which would prove wise if he was t- "Damian, now!" He shouted.


Damian pushed me into the room and locked it from the outside. I quickly got up and banged on the door. "Let me out you bastard!" He fucking smirked!

"Zat won't work, I know."

"Now you're going to stay in there till you work out your differences!" Pip yelled smiling as he waved. I turned around quickly. 


Bloody Hell.

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