Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

---- THE NEXT DAY----

I wake up in the exact same clothes as yesterday. Yesterday was a blur. I walked home in the freezing cold weather, no text or call from Josh nor Paige. I got home and it was about 8. My family were all at my Aunt's house so I just went to bed.

I grab my phone and look at the time. 7:30. I have 10 texts from Josh, and one text from Paige asking where I was. I didn't reply. I get out of bed and put on a hoodie.

I walk downstairs and everyone is asleep. Or so I thought. I see a note on the table. Cliche.


You weren't answering your phone at the party so just to let you know we will be at your aunts. I don't know when we will be home but the conditions are bad so we might be home sometime tomorrow. Call me when you wake up.


I didn't even see this when I walked in. I call my mom and she said they had to spend the night at my Aunt's because the car wouldn't start. Of course. Just when I need my mom she is off with someone else.

Paige calls me.

C- Hello?

P- What did you do to my brother?

C- That depends on what he did to me.

P- What happened? (Paige sounded concerned)

C- Well he made a promise to me that he would not leave me at the party because he knows how I am with things like that. And he left me. Tried to call me, had no service, and didn't try to look for me.

P- He had service. After about 8 he called me saying that we need to go. He sounded mad.

C- That dirty little liar!

P- I know. Well when we went into the car he didn't say anything and once we got back home he went straight up to his room.

C- Come over and we can talk about this.

P- Be over in 3.

---3 minutes later---

I open the door for Paige. "You weren't kidding." I say. She laughs. "Oh honey.... Please don't take this the wrong way but you look horrible." She says.

She isn't wrong. My hair is all messed up and my makeup Is running. I cried myself to sleep last night. And to think I trusted him.

Paige hugs me and I just cry into shoulder. "You don't need Josh." She says. I shake my head then cry even more.////end of chapter 24

Ouch again! Don't worry this story will be picking up speed the next few chapters.

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