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Words begin to spread fast over social media. 'Ashton Irwin's new girl?!' 'Ashton Irwin spotted with girlfriend?' The sadden boy promised himself he wouldn't check or even look at social media... but he did, he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to know what she had that he didn't. Pictures popped up of his soulmate kissing another. No matter how much Michael tries to get used to this feeling, he can't; he never can. He shouldn't have to get used to this feeling, nobody should.

The boy hated crying. He was sick of crying all the time but it seems to him that it was the only way to let his feelings out.

Knocking was heard on Michael's door as he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. "Come in," Michael's shaky voice whispered.

"Hey, Mikey." Noah stepped into his brother's room. A sad smile played on his lips. "You wanna talk?"

"Not really." Michael snapped. The blonde didn't seem offended he just sat beside his brother.

"Talk to me." Noah whispered as he wrapped his brother in a hug.

"I'm fine! Noah, ok I'm fine!" Michael yelled.

"You know, when people usually say there fine it means they're not really fine."

Green eyes met brown. Michael's green eyes welling up with unshed tears. "I wish I was fine." Noah instantly brought his brother in another hug.

"Tell me what's wrong, Mikey."

"I just- I want to be loved." Michael cried.

"You are. I love you, Michael. Mom loves you, Luke, Cal and Ashton love you." The blonde broke down completely in his brothers in arms when he heard his soulmates name.

"Mikey..." The brown eyed boy held worry in his eyes as he watches his brother cry. He wasn't sure why his brother was so upset. "Please tell me why you're upset."

"Why won't my soulmate love me... I don't understand why he doesn't love me back. I tried everything for him to love me and he still rather fuck girls and hurt me so many times. I- I don't understand." Michael ground out as he shoved his brother away. Wiping his eyes fast.

"I'm in love with an asshole who will never fucking love me back! What part of that don't you understand you dumb - dumb idiot!" Noah chuckled a little bit of his brothers' outburst.

"Who is it?"

"Ashton." Michael looked down at his feet as he felt his throat close up.

"Oh.." Noah sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "He doesn't deserve you anyway Mikey."

"Ya well he's my soulmate so someone must have thought we were perfect for each other." Michael huffed.

"Ya well, he's an asshole who doesn't deserve you."

"The thing is, is that I'm in love with that asshole but he's clearly not into me and he never will be." Michael sadly laughed a little bit, "Sometimes I think about if he would love me. If I could change myself completely. I would change everything about me. He likes skinny and pretty girls and there two problems with that. One, I'm too fat. Second, I'm not a girl. Third, I'm not pretty whatsoever."

"Mikey... you don't need to change for a boy, ever. If he doesn't like you for who you are, he's not worth it-" Noah started but was cut off by Michael.

"I don't even like me, Noah. How can I expect people to love me if I can't even love myself." Michael sniffled a little bit as he looked at his brother.

"You need to have confidence in yourself, Michael."

"Ya ok, I can barely even look at myself in the mirror without hating everything thing I see." Michael ran his hand through his messy hair, "It's easy for you to say, Noah. You're already confident in yourself. I mean have you seen yourself. You're everything a girl wants and I'm just well... me."

"Ya, you are you. You are perfect Michael. You're so fucking talented. I wish I had your music skills. So what if your not skin and bones? Everyone is beautiful just the way they are. Nobody is ever fat, ok? Fat shouldn't even be a fucking word used for hurting other peoples feelings because it's not true. Everybody has fat and if people have more than others, it's just an extra thing people love about you." Noah rated as he stared as his brothers crying figure. "I love you for who you are Michael! And I mean every single fucking thing about you even your flaws, and don't get me started on some bullshit like 'Ya well I have more flaws than other people,' Because it's not true either. Every single person on this planet has flaws and it's just what makes them who they are."

Michael cried as he pulled his brother close. "I love you, Noah. I couldn't have asked for a better brother."

"I love you too, Mikey, all of you."


I hope this was good and worth the wait! I'm sorry it took me so long to upload! I even made it a little bit longer than I usually do!

I hope you guys enjoyed. Comment what you guys though. I always love reading your comments so don't be afraid to comment!

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