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The sunlight leaked through the closed blinds and shined right into my eyes. Where am I? This isn't my room. I sat up in the strange bed that I was laying in. There was a huge t-shirt around my body, and I could feel that someone was laying next to me. Reluctantly, I turned around and saw a man laying there. Wait, that's not just "a man"-that's Ed! Ed's here? Isn't he supposed to be in England? I looked over and saw my coat laying on the couch next to the bed, and it all came flooding back to me. Oh my God, Ed and I-

"Morning," Ed yawned and rolled over. He was still half asleep.

"I should-I should go," I stammered and swung my legs over the side of the bed. This was probably just another mistake.

"What? Why?" He replied and rubbed his eyes. His voice was deep and gravely.

I sigh. "That wasn't right. Sex doesn't fix anything," I responded and sat on the side of the bed with my back to him.

"Cassidy, I'm not like that-you know I'm not like that," he was moving so he could lay closer to me.

"Like what, Ed? Like what? I don't know you very well," I snapped at him and sprang up. When I turned around I saw his piercing blue eyes glaring at me. He was still laying there, but he had sat up so he was leaning against the headboard.

He sighed and said in a small voice, "I'm not just going to leave, don't worry. I know it seems like it, but I'm not; I care about you too much."

I could feel a lump in my throat. How could I know that he wasn't going to run off? He hasn't been too honest with me so far.

"How do I know?" I mumbled and looked at the ground.

He took a deep breath. "I left my fiancée for you, for god's sake. Do you really think I would have done that if I was just planning on leaving?" he explained. I looked up at him when he said the first part. "I would never just leave and not tell you," he mumbled.

I let out a shaky breath. He left her for me; can I live up to the expectations that he probably has for me? I'm not as pretty, or sweet, or funny as Alice. Can I do this? Will I be able to be Ed Sheeran's girlfriend?

"Well, than how are we going to do this?" I asked and crossed my arms, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

My mind wandered to the guys of One Direction. Ed is always put in their class, and all the girls that they're seen with are gorgeous, tall, skinny (usually models)-there is no way I can live up to that. I'm average, I'm from the cold north, my hair never looks right and my makeup never turns out like I want it to. I look at the girls Harry is seen with and think, "Wow, I want to be as pretty as her,"; now I have to be that girl.

"Do what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You're famous, Ed. There are paparazzi and fans following your every move. How are we going to do... Us," I looked up at him.

His expression was confused. "No one cares about what I do, honestly. The fans give me space and paparazzi have someone better to follow," he explained.

"But it will be a huge story if we go out as a couple. You discovered me, and now we're dating-they'll run away with that and make up so much shit," I was breathing heavily.

"Why are you so worried about this?" he asked and cocked his head to the side. "You're never afraid of the press."

I sighed. There is a real reason why I'm so afraid of people finding out if we're together, but I'm too afraid to tell him. He will just think I'm crazy-he'll see how insecure I am.

"Cassidy, please tell me," he pleaded. His features softened, and he looked almost vulnerable.

"I-I-I'm afraid of what people will say. Ed, I used to be a huge One Direction fan, I know what happens when a celebrity goes out with a girl," I gulped. Back when Taylor Swift was dating Harry Styles, I remember hashtags with death threats for Taylor were trending worldwide for days. Even though she will never admit it, I could see her face fall more and more whenever she would go out with Harry and there would be paparazzi.

"My fans aren't like that, trust me. You won't get hurt, I won't let it happen," he assured me.

"How do I know? Taylor Swift fans aren't mean but they were when she was with Harry; how do you know that's not going to happen with your fans?" The lump in my throat was growing bigger and bigger, and it was threatening to suffocate me.

"Than we can keep it a secret from the public," he responded. "I've done it before, we can do that if it makes you more comfortable."

That sounds too easy. Does that even really work? I'm sure tons of people try and hide their relationship and how many work? Not many. At least that will work for now, but then I remembered the other thing that tore celebrity relationships apart.

"When is your next tour?" I asked in a small voice.

He sighed, "I leave in four days. We're going to Australia."

I huffed, what am I supposed to do? "Great, so you are leaving me," I mumbled.

"No, come with me. You've never been to Australia, I've never really had a good time on tour, come with. We already have one support act, but I usually have two-it's perfect!" He reassured me.

"I can't just pack up and leave again," I mumbled.

"It's absolutely perfect! What's holding you back? You no longer have to go to school, you'll do amazing there, please come," he pleaded and gave my puppy-dog eyes.

"I want to go, believe me, but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to go," I replied.

"If you're talking about your mum, she'll come around. She should see how passionate you're about this and that she can't hold you back," he lifted the corners of his mouth slightly.

I hope he's right. She did pretty much forbid me from going to Louisville, and I did, but she wasn't super mad when she came to the LA show; she was just out of place and uncomfortable. That is understandable. Music isn't really something that was always in the family like most other families. My parents never really turned on the radio, we didn't watch MTV-music wasn't really there. Now I am out trying to do music professionally, and I think she just doesn't understand. It probably isn't that she will disown me if I go to Australia, she just doesn't understand the music industry.

"Yeah, she will. I'll go with you," I smiled at him and his face lit up.

"It's sorted then. I'll tell Stuart to add you to the bill," he reached for his phone on the nightstand and started typing on it.

It is kind of weird-why isn't Stuart or even Murray here with him? He always has Murray with him!

"Ed?" I caught his attention and he looked up from his phone. "Does anyone know you're here?"

His eyes fell back to his phone, and he shifted slightly. Finally, he mumbled a quick "no" and continued typing on his phone.

Why didn't he want anyone else with him?

Idol (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now