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Niya Pov
3 days later

"I don't know ash. He's just been acting funny lately. Only time I really see him is at school. He's just so closed off, and won't talk to me. If he's not at work then he's at the trap planning on how he gone kill Satan" I said to Ashley as we sat on FaceTime

Devonte's at work and I'm bored as shit sitting in this stupid ass house.

"I mean, his little sisters birthday party did just get shot up. He just tryna survive I guess" she shrugged

"I know and I understand that but I just wish he'd at least talk to me. His mom told me that he hasn't slept in 3 days because he sits up at night with his gun in his hand just Incase they come back" I sighed

My baby going through so much right now and I don't know how to be there for him. As his girlfriend I'm supposed to be the one who helps him find his way in the world. I just pray I don't lose him to these streets.

The way he been moving lately and the path he been taking it's either death or jail and I just want to help him get his mind right so he'll be smart about this.

I don't like the fact that he kills people and the thought of being with somebody like him never even once crossed my mind when I was in Malibu. I was never into bad boys because I thought they were all reckless dick heads who just did stupid shit for no reason.

But actually getting to know him and his friends and seeing the way the live I just want better for all of them. They are such smart and talented boys it's just fucked up the things they've had to go through, and are still going through because of this neighborhood.

"Honestly Niya the only thing I can tell you is that right now he needs you more than ever. Help him keep his head on right and make sure he don't do nothing stupid" she told me

"I've been trying but he's just so dull now. He doesn't talk, he doesn't smile. Plus he's been doing so many drugs like Xanax and Percocets, and I'm like 90% sure him and threat was on the block drinking lean yesterday because Brazy posted a video of them on snap and they both had double cups in they hands" I said with a slight pout on my face

"Just try and talk to him Niya. He hurting" she said making me roll my eyes

I've been trying to talk to him for three fucking days.

"Ight" I said plainly.

"I gotta go. But ima call you tomorrow, love you and tell the gang I miss them" she said

"Okay. Love you too" I said and she hung up

I looked around the room realizing I had absolutely nothing to do. I finished all my homework, cleaned the house, and my dads not even here to at least take me to the mall or something.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen and went in the pantry grabbing a pop tart. On the way back to my room I could hear my phone start to ring. I got excited and ran to my room thinking it was Devonte but it was jut London.

"What this bitch want?" I said out loud to myself

Don't get me wrong she cool peoples and she a nice person but friend wise she a little to clingy for my liking. Like the way she just randomly popped up at the twins party like she was gang or something.

"Hello?" I answered her FaceTime

"Hey bitchhh" She sang into the phone

"Wassup" I replied stuffing pop tarts into my face

"I'm bored, let's go to the mall or something" she said into the phone

I really don't want too. I'd rather be laid up with my nigga who gets off work in 30 minutes.

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