Love me, Hate me (Imagine #2)

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Idea: Tsundere!Nikei getting jealous when Mikado flirts with his female S/O

L/N: Last Name
H/C: Hair Color
E/C: Eye Color

Requested by GalaxyProd999

I think there are spoilers here. Hope you don't mind.

Love me, Hate me

-"I-It's-! No! I don't like you!" Nikei screams as he hides his face with his hat.
-"I think that's a lie, Nikei~" You said.
-This made Nikei blush even more.
-"You're stupid if you think I like you." He walks away as fast as he could.
-Jokes on Nikei, Mikado was watching the entire time.
-He waited until Nikei was in his room when he went up to you.

In Nikei's Room:

-Nikei was repeatedly writing how much he loved you in his notepad, but he couldn't find a way to confess.
-He would ask Yuri, but uh...'Why do men want to know these things?'
-He continued to walk in circles and think for what felt like hours when he heard the love of his life talking to someone.
-He put his ear to the door.
-Excuse me?! Is that Mikado?! Talking to Y/N?!
-He listened to their conversation.
-"I must say, Ms. L/N. You are a beautiful young lady. Your H/C hair, your E/C eyes, your structure, all of it It makes your beauty out of this world." He heard Mikado say
-"Oh. Um. Thanks." You hesitantly told him.
-Oh hell no. He was not gonna put up with that.
-He is so triggered.
-Nikei kicks the door off it's hinges.
-"Excuse the hell out of you! You better back up. Right now."
-"Mr. Yomiuri. What is your problem?" Mikado asked. He looked confused and shocked.
-"My problem is you flirting with Y/N. Back up now or there will be consequences.
-"Nikei. It's okay." You told him.
-"No it is not! Especially if it's Mikado!" He screamed.
-Mikado scoffed and walk away.
-"Let's talk later, okay?" Mikado said to you.
-You just waved goodbye at him.
-You then turned to Nikei.
-"So you do like me?"
-"No! No I don't!" Nikei ran back to his room and hid himself under the covers.
-"Nikei. Just admit it. You love me, don't you?" You asked again.
-"Y/N! If you ask that question one more time..." He stopped for a moment. He then sighed. "Maybe I do. Maybe I don't."
-"Come on Nikei! Don't be like that! I know you like me~" You teased him, making him blush under the covers.
-Nikei internally screamed. "I hate you, Y/N."
-"I love you too, Nikei! Or should I say, Nikki?"
-"Don't call me that you scrub." He mumbled.
-"Did you even try on that one, you skittle?" You continued to tease him as he continues to blush even more.
-"Don't call me that either." He mumbled under his breath.
-"You're soooo cute!" You squealed.
-Nikei continues to internally scream.

Sorry if this wasn't good. This was my first time writing tsundere stuff 😅
Then again, practice means improvements 🤓

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