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I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my cozy room. I turned sideways to grab my phone off of the nightstand beside the bed. I unlocked it and immediately squinted my eyes to the sudden exposure of light. After my eyes had adjusted, i scrolled through my notifications before clicking on one.

The message app opened and there revealed a text from jin-hyung, he explained that he had to go to work as usual and that there was breakfast in the fridge already. Groaning, I sat up and stretched my tired limbs, hearing staisfying pops coming from my back and arms.

That reminded me, i don't have work (i quit because jin told me that we were fine in terms of money and he didn't want me to exhaust myself regularly) or school today. What shall i do all day ?

I climbed out of the comfort of my bed and made the bed sheets before making my way to the bathroom, flicking on the lights. My bare feet hit the cold tile floor as I shuffled towards the sink. I rinsed my face with cold water in order to wake me up. As i did so, i spotted the 2 unused boxes of pregnancy tests sat on the counter.

Shrugging, I thought, 'why not ?'  and decided to give it a try. I grabbed both of them and followed the instructions written on the side of the box. I felt ridiculous for trying out pregnancy tests, but it felt like something I needed to do. While i waited, i prepared my breakfast downstairs and turned on the television.

After definitely forgetting about the tests, i stepped towards the bathroom to check on them. I flipped them both over and my heart dropped to see the two pink lines, on both of the tests. To say that it was wrong would be just stupid since the lines could be seen so easily.

I covered my mouth in shock and took a seat on the toilet with the lid down. Many thoughts raced through my mind but all i could make out was 'No way was this happening.' I had to see a doctor, i decided.

"Mr. Jeon ? I need you to take a urine sample. You can head to the bathroom there." The nurse said, handing him a small cup and guiding him to the nearest restroom.

He nodded, and went into the room to do what he was told. Not long after, he passed the urine sample to the nurse and he was made to wait in the empty doctor's office.

A male doctor walked in, his white coat hugging his figure and a name tag clipped to his chest pocket with 'Dr. Choi' carved onto it. He held a clipboard close to him before greeting jeongguk and sitting down opposite of the younger male.

The doctor smiled, in attempt to soothe whatever nerves the younger had at the moment and spoke. "I have your results here based off of your urine sample and symptoms you had described to me."

The younger nodded as he already knew the answer but was just looking for further confirmation. The doctor started again, "Well, it's confirmed that you are indeed pregnant Mr. Jeon,"




That's it for now. Take care, don't overwork yourself, make sure you eat properly and stay hydrated.

See you soon ! 💜

(P.s. What do you think of the new cover ?)

ㅡ edited

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