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Kit was seated at the table in the Blackthorn's kitchen slowly eating his stack of pancakes when he noticed Ty enter the room, despite the loud voices and constant energetic presence of the other Blackthorns all Kit's mind seemed to be able to focus on was Ty. He watched as Ty retrieved his pancakes from Julian and came to sit in the seat opposite Kit. As the other boy sat down Kit marvelled at the way his jet black hair slipped in front of his eyes and as it did so he felt an urge to push it back that he resisted, Kit only tore his eyes away from Ty when Ty lifted his head slightly causing his curious, grey eyes to meet Kit's. The sudden eye contact sent heat rushing to Kit's cheeks and he forced himself to stare down at his half-eaten breakfast. Focusing on his pancakes again Kit tried to push all the thoughts of Tiberius Blackthorn to the back of his mind, the more he thought about Ty the more it would hurt to just be his friend and Kit wasn't sure how much more hurt he could handle.

When breakfast came to an end and it was decided the Dru would be helping Tavvy to wash the dishes, a job that, by the scowl on her face, Kit knew Dru was not happy with, the kitchen began to empty. As everyone in the corridor went their separate ways to begin whatever they had planned for the day Julian motioned for Kit and Ty to wait behind with him and Emma. This couldn't be good Kit thought to himself, Julian rarely spoke to him and seeing as he had appeared yesterday out of nowhere and taken Ty away from him, probably making his whole family worried sick, Kit didn't think that he was Julian's favourite person right now. As they waited for the hall to clear Kit and Ty stood awkwardly next to each other, far enough away from each other that they wouldn't be able to whisper to each other but close enough that if Kit wanted to he could reach out and touch the other boy's hand and for some reason Kit was very aware of that.

Julian approached them with Emma, Emma's arm was casually slung over Julian's shoulder and part of Kit couldn't help but desire that kind of casual physical contact with someone that he cared about, like Ty his brain said but he immediately pushed that thought to the back of his head as Julian begun to speak.

"Me and Emma both wish that it could be another way but, as you already know, we're leaving for our travel year later on today meaning that since Mark and Cristina aren't here and Helen and Aline are busy with official clave duties you two will have to face your first ever demon hunting mission alone, today."Julian said, his face was grim and his eyes filled with anxiety as he delivered the news. "There is suspicious demon activity not far from here and it needs to be investigated immediately."

After he had finished talking Kit and Ty stood there motionless and silent. Kit could feel the tension in Ty's body beside him and he wanted to reach out and grasp Ty's fluttering hand to calm him down but he knew with Emma and especially Julian right there it was not the best idea. Kit could feel the nerves coursing through his own body as well as excitement which shocked him. In the short time he'd been a shadowhunter he had had very few encounters with demons and during none of them had he ever felt remotely excited, he knew other shadowhunters like his relative, the famous Jace Heronadale probably found the prospect of demon hunting exciting but he had never thought he would feel anything but nervous at the thought of fighting demons, probably because he had already watched several of them murder his father.

"We'll go," said Ty, his voice immediately snapping Kit from his thoughts. Kit glanced sideways at Ty and saw him standing with his jaw set indignantly, his hands still fluttering by his sides.

"Are you sure, I don't want you to be in danger-," Julian started before being quickly interrupted by Ty "We'll be fine," He said firmly. Kit could only stand and admire the confidence it must take for Ty to stand up to his older brother like that, just another reason he was amazed by Tiberius Blackthorn. "Well I guess you guys should start preparing, you'll have to leave just before me and Emma do so we'll say goodbye then," Julian said, Ty nodded in response before walking off to the weapons room, Kit paused awkwardly looking from Julian to Ty before following Ty to sort out their weapons.

When Kit arrived at the weapons room Ty was already inside and the door was locked, great now he would have to knock, just to add to the awkwardness. Kit knocked on the door, three short, sharp knocks. Kit waited, impatiently tapping his foot against the wall, he had to do something, he had too much nervous energy rushing through his veins to just remain still.

After a few agonisingly long seconds the door opened revealing Ty's grey eyes staring back at him. Once Ty had realised that it was him he opened the door wider and beckoned for Kit to step inside, Kit obliged and soon they were both in the weapons room, the door locked. Kit felt his pulse quicken at the thought of being in a locked room with Ty even though nothing would happen he still couldn't help but feel nervous. "So what weapons do you think we'll need," Kit asked, the awkward silence in the room felt as though it was suffocating him, he had to say something. "We'll need seraph blades," Ty said walking over to where they were displayed on the wall and selecting four for himself and another four for Kit. Kit wasn't sure why Shadowhunters always felt the need to have an excessive amount of weapons, they already had eight between them and no doubt that number would only grow as Ty was already surveying the other weapons that the room had to offer. Ty then reached up to retrieve several throwing knives for himself from high up on the wall, as Ty stretched towards the knives his shirt lifted up slightly revealing a section on lean muscles just above his hip bone. Kit quickly averted his eyes, suddenly a crossbow in the corner of the room was extremely interesting to him.

When Kit next raised his eyes he realised that Ty was standing next to him, "Are you ok?" Ty asked worriedly. "Yeah," Kit paused "Yeah, I'm fine, I just- I guess I just feel guilty that I nearly left you without saying goodbye, and I feel like things between us have been different since yesterday." Kit confessed, staring down at the floor. Without saying anything Ty looped his arms around Kit's shoulder, hugging him from behind. Kit tensed, every nerve in his body seemed as though it was on fire, Ty was barely touching him and he could already feel his heart rate quickening. He knew that he shouldn't feel that way about Ty, they were just friends and Kit didn't even like boys in that way.

[ Ok, what did you guys think of that? I'm writing this without really planning it before hand so sorry it took me a while to update I had to decide where I wanted the plot to go! As always constructive criticism is welcome, hope you guys enjoyed :) ]

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