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*Michael's P.O.V*

Gripping his shirt, shaking him like crazy, yelling, screaming, crying, begging! Please Luke, don't you dare fucking do this to me!

When I'd finally got to his house, his light was the only one on, so completely forgetting the front door, I ran straight to his window and found him passed out on the floor at the end of his bed.

I climbed through the window as quickly as I could and scrambled over to him. I tried to wake him up, but he just wouldn't.

Then I saw the empty bottle of pills...

I called for help before calling Ashton, who said he would pick Calum up and meet us at the hospital.

I wanted to call Luke's parents as well... But I couldn't... I didn't want to be the one to tell them he could die...

So I kept trying to wake him up instead... Even though it felt useless.

"LUKE!" I scream, shaking him again. "PLEASE FUCKING WAKE UP!" I scream through the tears rushing down my face.

"Don't leave me, Luke! I'm sorry, I'm so so fucking sorry! I love you, okay? I really do! Just don't fucking leave me!" I sob against his lifeless body.

When I start to hear sirens in the distance, I decide to pull Luke outside, through the window... Just to save time since I have no idea where the keys to unlock all the doors are.

Once we are outside, I carry Luke over to the sidewalk and collapse on the ground with him.

I hold Luke tight in my arms and continue to cry until the sirens get louder and I can see the flashing lights getting closer and closer.

"Don't leave me" I beg quietly as the ambulance pulls up.

*Ashton's P.O.V*

"Michael? What do you want?"

"Care to check on you so called best friend?!"

"Michael, are you crying? Wait, what happened?!"

"Luke has tried to kill himself!"


"You prick, why weren't you there for him?!"

"To be fair, neither were you!"

"At least I tried to stop him when I found out"

"And I wouldn't?!"

"Whatever, just meet us at the hospital"

"Fine! Do you want me to get Calum first?"


I replay the conversation I had with Michael over and over again as I rush to the hospital.

"Slow down, Ash! You're going to get us killed" Calum says nervously.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous, I'm about to lose one of my best friends and it's all my fault!" I just about shout at him, blinking away tears, "I shouldn't of yelled at him, I shouldn't of ignored his calls! I knew damn well he was having a breakdown but I was so mad at him and I just thought.. no I don't know what I thought, but it's all my fault and I- FUCK!".

*Third Person*

"Two car collision, ten minutes from here, two injured, three unharmed!" One paramedic tells the others as they remove Luke's stretcher from the ambulance.

"Then get this boy inside, quick!" Another paramedic says.

Michael didn't think it was possible for his heart to beat any faster than it already was... But apparently it could.

Michael runs after them as they rush Luke inside. He doesn't want to leave Luke's side, but gets stopped by the lady at the reception desk. "Sir, you'll have to wait over there" she says in an apologetic tone as she points over to the waiting area.

Michael reluctantly went and took a seat in the corner, well away from the small group of people giving him sympathetic looks.

After anxiously sitting on his own for ten minutes, he starts to panic even more.

"Where is Ashton & Calum?!" He mumbles to himself as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials Ashton's number. Thankfully, he picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Ashton says with a pained groan.

"Ashton, are you okay?!"

"Uhh, yeah... Well, I'm not dead... So I think so"

"What happened?!"

"We crashed"

"We? Is Calum okay?!"

"He won't wake up" Ashton starts to cry, "They are loading him into the ambulance now".

"You have to focus, Ash!"

"My head hurts"


"I have to go, someone is trying to talk to me"

"Uh, okay.."

Ashton hangs up, leaving Michael in a pool of anxiety.

Michael's anxiety calms down a little when someone comes to inform him that Luke is going to be okay. He is then asked a few questions about Luke that involved his mental & physical health and about what had happened. Michael answered everything he could, and the unanswered questions would be asked to Luke's parents when they arrived, since they had been contacted and were on their way.

As soon as Calum was rushed inside- Ashton following behind, holding a blood-stained cloth up to the side of his head- Michael was on his feet and at Ashton's side, knowing that they weren't going to stop so he could see Calum.

"Michael" Ashton gasps, falling into Michael's arms to cry on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Michael asks worryingly.

"He's still unconscious" Ashton sobs.

"Hey! I asked if you were alright" Michael says as he walks Ashton over to the waiting area.

"Just a bit shaken up, but I'm okay" Ashton replies quietly as Michael sits down and pulls him down into his lap.

"Luke & Calum are going to be okay, got it?" Michael says reassuringly. Ashton nods and snuggles up to him.

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