Ch. 5 - Breakdown

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*Michael's P.O.V*

"You're kidding me, right?!"

"No, dead set, I saw it with my own two eyes"

"He's moved on already?"

"He can't of, no way"

"Well then, explain the new boyfriend"



"I don't know, Michael! Maybe he just doesn't want to look stupid by running back to you so quickly"

"Or, Calum, maybe he's had his eye on this guy for ages and finally found a reason to dump me for him"

"You sound ridiculous"

"I think I sound logical"

"Whatever, look, I'm almost at your house, see you soon"

"Okay, c'ya"

*Luke's P.O.V*

Michael wasn't at school today, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with me or if he was just sick or busy this morning, but I was a little disappointed when Ashton told me that, according to Calum, Michael wasn't here today.

In a way though, I'm kind of glad Michael wasn't at school today because I don't think I really wanted him to see me with Marcus, my new boyfriend.

Finding a new boyfriend was Ashton's idea, "Just find someone else to date for a bit, it was your idea to see other people after all" he had said, then he gave me Marcus' number and told me to give him a ring.

I don't really know much about Marcus- I may be well known around the school but I barely actually know anyone- I know he's a year older than me and in his last year, I know he's bisexual and trying to make this girl- Niomi, I think her name is- jealous, and I know he has a YouTube channel that's semi-famous, but that's all I really know about him.

I don't think I'm going to be dating Marcus for much longer though, because he sent me a text an hour after school saying Niomi had started flirting with him via text. I told him it was okay to ask her out and he said he'd text me if things turned out right. So basically I'm going to be dumped via text in a matter of hours... Lovely.

I think I'm going to cry... Again.

My arms still sting a little from the other day... And I thought that would be enough to stop me from hurting myself again... But I was wrong... Now my thighs sting too.

But I'm okay... Really, I am...

My phone beeps in my hand and I look down at it.

*1 New Message From Astronaut Ash*

Ashton: Stop listening to that song.

Me: What song?

Ashton: The MCR one ;-;

Me: Which one? Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about..

Ashton: I'm Not Okay, stop listening to it, it's making you depressed.

Me: I'm not.... Okay

Ashton: I know you're not, now stop listening to it.

Me: Only if you come cuddle :(

Ashton: Ask Marcus

Me: He's flirting with Niomi

Ashton: Well, he's a slut..

Me: Come cuddle :(

Ashton: Fine. Be there soon!

Me: Bring ice cream? c:

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