Ch. 11 - Horror Movies

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"WHY DID YOU PICK THIS MOVIE?!" Michael screams, gripping onto me like his life depended on it.

"You said it was my choice" I chuckle, trying to pretend the demon thing on top of the wardrobe didn't just scare the living shit out of me.

"But The Conjuring?! Really?!" He sobs, burying his face into my neck.

"Sorry, Calum gave me a copy and told me to watch it, I just didn't want from watch it alone" I tell him.

"Thanks" he scoffs.

"Wasn't this meant to be based on a true story?" I ask in confusion.

"LUKE!" Michael wails. "WAIT, WHERE'S DANIEL?!" He shouts before pulling away from me and falling out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud. "Ugh, found him" he groans, holding Daniel up in the air.

"Are you alright?" I ask as he pulls himself back onto the bed.

"My but hurts" he complains.

"So does mine... But not for the same reason" I say with a smirk. Michael scoffs and rolls his eyes. "What? The Cliffaconda is huge" I say, causing him to blush.

"Shut up, Luke" he mutters, snuggling back up to me.

He must be desperate to avoid watching the movie, because a few minutes later, he's snoring softly.

*Michael's P.O.V*

I have another date with Luke Hemmings! I have another date with Luke Hemmings!! I HAVE ANOTHER FUCKING DATE WITH LUKE HEMMINGS!!!!!

And saying I'm 'nervous' is an understatement. I mean, I legitimately can't breath.

I thought our first date was a one off thing and he wouldn't agree to going out with me ever again... But when I took him home after said first date, he said he's never enjoyed a date as much as he did that night.

So I asked him if a second date with the school freak was a possibility and he said, and I quote, "I fucking hope so".

So here I am, awkwardly stumbling up towards his house. My hands tremble nervously as I knock on his front door.

His mom opens the door with a smile and says "Hello, you must be Michael".

"Yes, I'm Michael" I reply with a small nod.

"Luke's been talking about you non-stop this past week" she says with a smile as she gestures for me to come inside. I chuckle nervously as I walk inside. "Luke is in his room, it's that one, right down the hall" she says, pointing towards the door at the end of the hallway.

"Okay, thanks" I say quietly before walking towards Luke's room.

As I get closer to Luke's room, I can't help but notice how quiet it was in his room, and I momentarily thought his mom might have been lying when she said that he was in there.

But when I opened the door, Luke was in fact in there. He was sitting on the ground against the wall beside his bed, his knees were half pressed up against his chest and he had a book rested on them. He was completely lost in the book, and it took him a moment to realise that I was standing in the doorway.

"I- ahh-" Luke hesitated, shoving a bookmark in the book as he closed it before sliding it along the floor away from him. Wether he meant it to or not, the book slid underneath his bed and crashed into what I'm guessing was a storage box that was hidden underneath the bed. "I wasn't reading... I'm not a nerd" he lies as he scrambles to his feet.

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