Chapter 5: Carson

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Part 4: Pink

       Amani had showed the twins around the camp already. He had excitedly pointed out the different tents and their uses, like the dining tent, the kitchen, the first aid area, the infermery, and where they would sleep,"we have about five 'bedroom' tents. Everyone shares with the people they get along best with. New people usually go with people in their age group, and for you that would be our tent!" Amani spoke with a smile and would often make jokes or get distracted and go on tangents.

    Matthew knew about Amani's optimism and teasing personality from their online chats. He wasn't quite prepared for seeing it in person though. Amani flirted around the camp like a happy butterfly, showing them this and that with pride.

   "You said you were the leader right?" Marie asked after a while. Amani nodded,"my parents were before me but they really wanted to get out in the field again to do missions, so they passed the title on to me. The rest of the camp had to agree on me leading though, which they did." He said all this in the same tone as before but his eyes held none of the pride they did before. Whether that was simple humility or perhaps a bit of doubt, Matthew didn't know. Garrick patted a hand on amani's shoulder.

   "And he's been doing great! Just as we thought he would!" Garrick pointed out with a small smile. Kyra and Rio nodded to confirm their comment. Amani grinned back,"why thank you!" He responded in a jokingly-formal tone, which caused the small group to chuckle. Garrick suddenly glanced over to the other side of camp, as if they had just remembered something,"I should go. The supplies we found need to be sorted." They said then quickly rushed away. The group watched their purple hoodie, which they had shifted into, dissapears into the shadows.

    Amani chuckled,"poor Garrick always off to do more work." He turned to Kyra,"did they take enough of breaks on the trip?" Kyra frowned in response,"I made sure they took more than usual but I'm still not sure if it was enough." The twins glanced at each other,"is Garrick a workaholic or something?" Matthew asked softly. The three rebels looked lost for words,"You could say that." Amani finally replied,"It's complicated." Rio continued, the most cryptic words Matthew had heard him say.

   Suddenly Amani snapped his fingers,"ah-ha! I forgot! You guys should meet my parents!" Soon he was rushing off again with his small squad following. No wonder He's the leader. He has so much energy. Matthew thought watching his former pen pal from behind. He wondered how exactly he kept that optimism considering what he must have gone through. Matthew frowned. He really had no clue what had happened to Amani. One moment he was there, the next; gone. Even his radio message hadn't cleared things up.

  Amani knocked on the pole of one of he tents,"is it ok for me to come in?" He called to the people inside,"come on in Amani!" A deep male voice responded joyfully. Amani lifted up the curtain and stepped inside, gesturing for the others to follow. The inside was dusty and smelled of smoke and possibly incense. Bunk beds filled as much room in the tent as possible, except for a small fireplace in the centre. The piece of the roof had been cut out so the smoke could escape, with a small clasp so the hole could be opened and closed. Near the grill two adults and a boy about age eight were chatting and tending the fire.

   "Hello guys. These are some new guests, Matthew and Marie. I was showig them around and wanted them to meet you." The chatter stopped for a moment as the adults greeted them with smiles as bright as amani's. They were clearly his parents. The child was silent though, studying them with eyes that didn't look like they belonged to a boy his age.

   "Are you planning to stay? Amani's mother asked politely. She was an older woman, like her partner, but was incredibly fit. Like many of the others she had deep scars, some that still looked painful. She seemed tall and muscular and while her face was kind and welcoming, it had a certain hardness to it, like someone who had to make many difficult decisions.

   "We aren't sure yet." Marie answered. Neither of them had thought about what they would do when they found Amani. Would they become rebels like the others?

  "Take your time to decide. We would be happy to welcome you though, one you prove to be trustworthy." Amani's father responded. He said this kindly, though the warning was apparent. Both twins nodded their understanding. Matthew glanced other to the child. He was still watching him and his sister. It was impossible to tell his thoughts, or emotions. Even Matthew's token failed to give him insight on what was happening with him.

   Amani stepped beside the boy and turned to face the twins,"this is someone else you should meet. Carson, twins. Twins , Carson." The boy, Carson, looked them up and down once again then nodded,"we can trust them. Also, they are both Saru Tokai."

   The twins seemed startled. They glanced at each other, removed to be trusted but surprised at the boy's insight. Carson smiled at them, almost evily,"I suppose I should explain. I am a Saru Tokai as well."

   Marie knit her eyebrows together in a frown,"can you read minds like Tiana Mortal?" She asked. Carson shook his head,"no nothing like that. I've simply learned how to read people. You learn many things once you live to be eighty."

  The Twins jaws dropped,"eighty?!" They asked in unison. Carson smiled that same evil smile in response, clearly enjoying their confusion,"yes. I am eighty years old. My token is that old age cannot effect me. I am immortal." He said all this like he had explained it a million times before, though their response seemed to amuse him greatly.

   The confession spun around Matthew's head like a lose pinball. If he was eighty, then he would have been around during the end of the war, during the holding of the gods, during the building of Edis. All the most important things he learned about in history class...He would have lived it.

   Carson turned to Amani,"before you ask, yes I will train them if they decide to stay." Amani seemed relieved. This comment got Marie's sudden attention,"you'll train us? To do what?" She asked quickly then seemed to rethink her words. She already knew the answer Carson would give but he gave it anyways,"to use your powers and to defend yourself. The surface is nothjng like Edis. Both have their dangers, but this place is far more deadly."

   His words had taken a dark turn, and soon the firefight, which was the only thing illuminating their surroundings, seemed to be ominous and foreboding. The shadows turned hostile as Matthew remembered, no, they weren't safe.

   They probably would never be safe again.

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