"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"The fire in her bones"
It had been a few days since Luna came to the Underworld. Most of the time, she and Lucifer were in his study doing who knows what. While Arabella tented to her reading lessons, getting better and better at reading with each passing day. Lucifer hadn't been with her that much and she misses him. She would never admit it, of course. But, she does miss having him around her and all the things he does to her. She has come to realize that he messes with her head and feelings, a lot. Yet, she can't help but feel like she wants it.
She wants him to mess with her feelings and her head, she wants him to make her confused and puzzled. She doesn't know why she wants this, but that's part of the confusion. The memories from that horrible place she had stumbled into when he gave her a tour came back to her and she now knows that she won't explore this castle alone or open any doors that she doesn't know what is behind. Truth be told, with each passing day she feels more comfortable in the castle, however is still afraid of it and the things it's capable of.
Arabella spends most of her time all alone in her room, sometimes sitting or laying on the bed thinking of everything around her, while other times, she explores the jewels that she gets every day. The beauty never grows old for her, and even if most of them are made out of gold and silver, she does find jewels made out of different kinds of material that she's not familiar with. Few times, she does take a bath, and enjoys herself very much. Baths are relaxing and comforting, it's also the only time she doesn't allow herself to think of the things around her.
She's sitting on the chair by the golden desk, staring at her own reflection in the mirror. It's unbelievable that the person she sees in the mirror is a strong woman that looks like a Queen, she doesn't feel like a Queen, perhaps someone important but not a Queen. However, she has put the pieces together that the people here want her to be their Queen. The bowing, the respect and the fact that the King treats her like he would his own wife, like she's supposed to be his wife. The idea of that isn't bad in her mind, but she knows it can never happen. She's a guest, nothing more. A guest that was kidnapped.
The door harshly opens, she's startled by it but she doesn't move from her spot. In the corner of her eye, she notices that the person who had come in is Luna. "Come with me, child" Luna orders the girl, truth to be told Luna has come quite fond of this girl. Arabella doesn't know it, but she has been watching over her. Studying her, seeing who she is in the shadows. So far, the girl has done nothing wrong and acts and looks like a little girl that will soon become the greatest Queen of all time, no pressure there.
Arabella stands up and follows her future sister-in-law out the door and into the hallway. She does wonder why Luna ordered her to come with her, as Luna hasn't spoken to her since breakfast few days ago, but she doesn't ask. "Forgive me for being unable to understand this time, but tell me one thing, why are you not angry at my brother? Why is it you don't loath him?" Luna suddenly asks Arabella, she had walked slower so now they're walking side by side. The future Queen is nervous to be in her presence, yet tries to hide it as best as she can.