"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"A flame can only be powerful if you let it"
The deep orange irises with fire lines in blood-red color stares at the crowd of demons in front of her with burning rage in her eyes, the fire shaped lines around her pupil almost moving as she feels the fire within her rise. The kindness that once lived inside her has vanished in a blink of an eye and replaced anger, anger none knew she was capable of holding. Yet, a fire is everything that rage resembles and she's the Queen of fire. Because of her rage, the flames of every candle in the throne room rises up and become bigger and more wild. The flames changing color from deep orange and yellow and red to different shades of blue.
"This world thrives of cruelty and those believing themselves to be above others ruling. You all in here are the ones that should not be the one with the power of ruling. It is only I and your King who will rule over all of you. All of you are the sinners of the human world and you are all charged with being guiltily of committing a crime against life. Yet, even when being punished, you commit the same crimes over and over again" Queen Arabella speaks, the power in her voice makes everyone enchanted and compels them to listen to her every word.
Some if not all look ashamed with themselves and they should be, for she has found out the truth and now will do everything within her power to reverse the situation. "Forcing others to work for you only because you believe yourself to be above them. Let me tell you all one thing.... each and every one of you are on the same level and you all serve me. None of you have the power to force anyone to do what they do not want to do" Her eyes starting to glow as her anger rises.
The flames reaching higher and higher. They all panic as the state of their Queen and how she's releasing her anger out on them. She might not be hurting them physically but she does enough to make them see why she's the rightful Queen and her temper does match the one of the King, well not completely but close as his temper and the beast is one you do not want to mess with. "A young woman here has become a slave to some of you against her will and I will not allow that, not in my kingdom" She tells them.
Being a human herself, she's seen the cruelty people give women in the village, and how horrible they are treated. When she came to the Underworld, she was treated as an equal to the man, even greater than the man and she thought it means every woman in the kingdom but as it turns out, women are treated the same. Some deal with it and have come with terms with it, while others, like Thalia have always been fighting for their lives and fighting for their rights.
Lucifer stands up from his throne, and that always means he's angry. His beast wants to run free and slaughter each and every one of those who have mistreated women. For eons he's not cared much for women, he only wanted his Queen to manipulate her and use her powers, yet as soon as he felt the young Queen by his side his view of women changed him and now he only wants to make sure that she's always above him in station as Queens are special to the thrones of the worlds, and their King.