🔥 XLIV 🔥

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"The flames from a fire and either be calm or angry but never between"

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"The flames from a fire and either be calm or angry but never between"


Arabella's fire eyes look proudly into the light as every single memory return to her brain. Happiness takes over her and this time there are no tricks to her happiness, she can feel that she is happy without the use of fake memories or happiness. The love she feels for Lucifer and the friendships that she has reacted with Luna and Thalia and even Poseidon. The family that is true in her heart, her two brothers who she can't wait to see again. It all comes back to her, flashes right before her eyes as she looks into the light.

The light is so white and bright, yet her eyes don't hurt from it. In fact she feels comfortable and she feels like she is herself once again. Before she knew that there was something wrong but could not quite understand or know what it was, now she does. The fire Queen is herself once more and stronger than ever. No matter what is thrown at her, she will always find away to rebound and get up again and fight back. Fight the evil that tried to take her out and the evil that tried to kill her but failed.

Her body has not yet awakened but her soul is and the red stone in her necklace glowing brightly. Neither Luna nor the woman have noticed how the stone shines and glows like there is no tomorrow. Through her sadness, Thalia has not seen it as her eyes are blurry with tears that continue to leak down her face and softly fall down to the red floor of the room. It remains unknown to all that the Queen has survived the darkness that threatened to take her life forever and it remains unknown to them that she is stronger than ever before.

She smiles to herself as she begins to walk further into the white bright light. Though she does feel happiness she cannot deny that there is still pain in her memories. And some are memories that she does not want to remember like the time that she found human bones or died. Even though she does not want to remember those bad things and the painful things, it is necessary for her to remember as every memories, bad or good alike are who she is and create her as a person and as a Queen as well as a lover.

She cannot be who she is meant to be without the bad and the good. Each steps that Arabella takes something happens. Her fire eyes moving, flames appearing in her eyes. The clothes she wears, a white dress from the bottom up is set on fire and a new one comes in its stead. The fire dress has taken over and the flames are raging. The dress is however different from last time, the fire at the bottom of her dress has turned blue, dark as well as blue. The dress does hug her body yet the fire never harming her as she is fire in the flesh.

Her bare feet never changing yet like always the cold doesn't touch her at all. The necklace with the stone on her neck like it belongs there, yet the crown that should be on top of her head no where in sight. Her eyes stare forward as she continues to walk there, she may not know where she is going but she knows that she has to go there, she can feel it deep inside of her. That she's being compelled to go there yet she goes there on her own will.

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