"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"Sometimes fire just needs gasoline"
Looking back at the things from the beginning one can see how Arabella, the fifteen years old girl has come far. No longer does she feel fear of the things that frightened her and not once does she fear the man she has fallen in love with. Sitting in the library with a book in her hand, trying to read it is also one thing that has changed. Living in the village she could not read and not many did but she was taught to read and she found herself enjoying it. A long time it has been since the last time she held a book.
Hades had told her to entertain herself while he did King work which he did not tell her what was yet she did trust him, after everything that they have been through she did trust him, more than anyone else. Being in the library she wasn't alone. Her friends were there and when looking back she begins to realize that is because of her that they found the goodness in their hearts. Luna, the girl who wanted nothing more than to bring doom and death on the world, is not embracing the kindness and Thalia, the girl who has been treated horribly her entire life is fighting for what is right.
Arabella had impact on their lives without even knowing it and she changed them for the better, yet she did not do that alone, they did it also on their own and they fought for their own rights. The smile on Arabella's face when she looks at her two friends, one trying to sharpen a knife, in case she would need it to kill someone to protect Arabella (which both know won't be necessary) and the other trying to figure out what types of books she does like.
It brings her joy to see that and just by looking back at how things were before all of the madness took place in her life, something unfolds to her. She would never have accepted who she truly was without the things that happened, without dying two times and going through the heartbreak and the pain. All of the events that took place have molded her into the person that she is and the person that she will be and even now she is still growing into the person that she is meant to be.
Reading the same page over and over again because she always loses her focus and thinks of other things Luna takes notice of. "If you find that difficult you can always choose another book" She states to the fire eyed girl who only lets out a giggle. "Yes, that would be what I would do except I do not find it difficult at all" She says as she looks up at Luna with a soft smile on her lips. "Enlighten me then, what bothers you for I see the look on your face and it does not look pleasant" Thalia then joins in the conversation.
Closing the book and putting it aside, Arabella sighs as she adjusts herself in the sofa. She had changed her clothing for the dress she has been wearing was not one for reading and now she wears a simply white dress with a corset under it and it travels down to the floor yet makes it easy for her to move around in. "I suppose I have a lot to think of, I will meet my father soon and I do not know what to wear, what to do or what to say. I do not know if he will recognize me" She admits and even when they have gone over it, she still feels nervous.