"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"Fire feels sorrow like all beings do"
The roof comes crumbling to the ground as Fire Raven lands on the ground near Arabella. All but the King and Queen fall down as Fire Raven's head is in between the two of them and is ready to strike at anyone who tries to even touch the Fire Queen. Screams echo through the throne room as stones and rocks start falling from the ceiling and even when there are immortal beings there, they can still get hurt and they can still die. Luna is the first to stands up but dust is in her way and she cannot see.
None can see what is happening around them. Hades takes the hand of his love to keep her close to him and out of harms way even when the Dragon is also there to protect her. Dust and dirt swirls in the air and some of them are even coughing from inhaling it. Arabella looks around with her fire eyes to try to see anything at all, but all she sees are shadows and she has this dark feeling inside her, a feeling that screams at her that things are going to go sideways from this point on and she doesn't know how or why or even what will happen.
Thalia stands there in shock of what has happened yet is quick to find the love of her life and hold onto him, the feeling of knowing that someone is about to fall prey to death only grows stronger. Figuring that the one that will kill will most likely use the dust in the air to their advantage and murder the one that shall die, knowing this she tries to see everyone. Seeing if someone attempts anything. She doesn't know who will die, yet can only pray that none will fall. Her feelings tell her that either Helen or the man that calls himself God will die yet at this point she doesn't know anymore.
A blood curling scream startles everyone and everyone tries to see where that scream came from. Arabella and Hades are the first to find the one who did scream and once Arabella sees why she gasps. Tears form in her eyes as she goes on her knees to hold the person that is dying. Helen. She has a knife in her chest and that knife is going to kill her, and she will not heal. "I did that right thing" She whispers over and over again.
Both Arabella and Hades are confused at that but as the dust is slowly clearing away they see what she meant. A but farther away from her lies God, dead. Arabella, not knowing what had taken place in that short period of time is both shocked and confused and even sad. "You did it and we shall be forever grateful" She whispers back. Helen might have tried to kill her and she was the one that married the man that she loves, and she tried to take everything away from her.
Yet, Helen was also a human and she was also someone who had a life. The human in Arabella feels sorrow and sadness for the dying woman in her arms. As everyone gathers around Helen everything becomes blurry to her, she can't hear a word that people are saying as she is only focused on Helen. Knowing that she will not be able to safe her, not now. It is not until that Helen takes her last breath that she is taken back into reality where Hades picks her up and hugs her. The dust is clearer and she can see her Dragon, she can also feel the pull towards him.