"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"The flames are not meant for everyone"
For a moment all was silent as the father and daughter looked at each other, none knowing what goes through their heads. The King stands up from his throne and walks over to Arabella and when he stands in front of her, with all eyes on the two of them, he studies her face, her eyes and her. The two of them lost in the world as if the people around them are not even there anymore. "You look like her" He whispers as he looks at her, not able to stop staring into the eyes of his daughter who looks into his arctic blue eyes, the same color that once belong to her.
He then turns to the court. "Everyone leave!" He tells them and with a bow of their heads they leave the throne room, yet the questions still lingering inside. As the room empties the King turns to look at Hades, Luna and lastly Thalia. "I fear that I do not know of you" He says to Hades who chuckles. "Of course you would not. Let us say that I am not here to take over any kingdom" Hades speaks to Arabella's father, offending him in the process.
"Sixteen years ago, your mother and I were acquaintances and what began as friendship turned into courtship. Not long after we were engaged and then married" The King, Arabella's father says to her as he has once again turned to look at her. "At the time I knew of her two sons and I would've happily accepted them, unfortunately she did not want that. Those boys were her pride and joy. Yet not once did I get to meet them. Everything was perfect for us until one night I found out her secret, the magic she used for evil. I banished her far away" He speaks.
Arabella listens to him speak as tears prick the corners of her eyes yet not once does she allow them to fall. The emotions running through her whole body is unlike anything that she has ever felt in her life before yet she does like them and when she does wish to hug her father and make all of this the truth, she cannot do that for that would not be appropriate behavior from a Queen. She needs to remind herself that she is not just a girl anymore, she is a Queen, the most powerful Queen.
"Never knowing that she was with child and as soon as I found that out I began searching but she was never found. All this time I wondered what had happened to you. Wishing I could hold my child in my arms and present the heir to this kingdom with pride and love" He tells her. Her father takes her hand and instantly she begins to warm his cold hands with hers without even trying to and he gasped at her. "How is this possible?" He asks her and she only smiles at him and let's out a giggle.
She turns towards candles that light the room and stares at the for a split second before the flames begin to lift themselves away from the candle itself and hover above the wax candle. The King stares at her with shock and then back at the flames that slowly go towards them. "Magic is not all evil, it carries goodness" She simply says as the flames begins to form a circle around the two of them yet never going too close to him. Her father watches them with interest but he knew of magic in the world so he is not as shocked as he would've been if he had not seen magic before.