Chapter 21 : Feelings Felt

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"Omkara, let's go down." Gauri suggested after closing the window. She had shut the window again it was still raining. Gauri had called her father and informed him that everything was alright. After a little convincing from her he had finally agreed to sleep. After, taking a promise from her to call him if there was any problem. The night had grown colder but Gauri's excitement hadn't died. If anything it only grew. She was spending a night with Omkara. One entire night talking, giggling, laughing, smiling -what more could she ask for? Every moment was getting deeply embedded in her heart. She was cherishing the moments to make them beautiful memories. How could a human possibly love the presence of another so much?

"It's still raining. You just saw." Omkara looked up from his phone with confusion. 

"Please, we'll just go peep. The roads are flooded. I want to go down and see."

Omkara gazed at her bewildered. "What will you do going down there? Magic?"

Gauri made a face walking over to where he sat. "Don't try to be funny, doesn't happen. Please, let's go. We will just see and be back." She spoke placing her hand on his arm. Omkara couldn't help but notice her smallest actions. She had opened up to him a lot. It told him of the immense trust she had on him. In the world like theirs for a woman to trust a man who she worked with was a big thing. Omkara felt happy that she trusted him. It made him feel special. He got up from the couch knowing that it she would keep bothering him if he did not give in, simply cause she had nothing better to do. He walked behind her. Once downstairs, he took the lead. He had carried the torchlight knowing that it was dark downstairs. He switched on the light in the corridor taking the lead. He felt her hand hold his. He smiled not turning back. He loved the feel of her hand in his. He didn't know the reason but it certainly made his heart feel all warm.

He opened the door that was the main exit to the office, that he had securely closed hours ago. The gushing of the water had spread into the usual silence of the night. The rain was pouring down over the city with the occasional roar like thunder of the heavy dark clouds.The drops struck on the already collected water that filled the road to a foot's depth. The office was cleverly built with a few ten steps that led to the entrance Gauri stepped down leaving his hand, extending her other hand out to feel the drops.

"Gauri, no. You will get wet and then might end up sick." He warned holding her other hand firmly.

"I am not going down. It's so nice and cold. Just try." Saying that she raised his hand that had been holding his. One, two, three and so on in quick succession the huge drops fell on the back of his palm.Each drop fell like gravity had been turned up a notch, hard. The drops were freezing cold and just like her hand that he was still holding on to.

Gauri closed her eyes inhaling the scent of drenched earth and feeling the cold breeze of the dark wet night. With just one source of warmth warming her heart-his hand in hers. Perhaps, this is how it felt when prayers were answered. She smiled opening her eyes. Omkara who had been closely observing her beautiful serene face drifted his gaze to the silent road ahead not wanting to be caught staring at her. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Her smile slightly widening as she admired his face. ' I love you ' she whispered in her head. Wishing she could say that aloud, at least once.

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