Chapter 9 : A Twist In Case

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Third person

The morning after the night, witnessed an unusually  smiley Omkara. There was none except his mother who noticed the shine of his eyes. She wondered if her arrow had landed on the bull's eye. She'll have to wait to see what comes. Nonetheless the idea of Gauri being a possible daughter-in-law made her smile. Gauri was a lively girl. She'd teach her son to see the bright-side of life which he had not known fully yet. They say that what is missing in an individual is completed when he unites with his soulmate. Perhaps!

* * *

Omkara reached his office cabin and was surprised to find no Gauri. He smiled remembering the previous day when he was greeted by a sight of Gauri dozing away on the table. He grinned getting to his table. That woman was an altogether different specimen of human species. A cute one!

Omkara was smiled as he heard her sweet voice, "excuse me sir, may I"

"yes" he said immediately looking up and greeted her with a smile wondering what made her late. She was late by half an hour. Very unlikely of her.

"I am sorry, something came up." She said with a small formal smile.

"No problem. I wanted K.K Trading Company's case files." He quickly  came back into the professional mode.

"Yes Sir." She answered.

"Omkara is better." He said casually burying his gaze into the file in hand.

Gauri smiled. But her smile did not reach her eyes. She sighed sitting at her work desk removing the files from her bag. She quickly separated the files he had asked for and set them aside. Then she slipped out the paper from between the files. She stared at it biting her lower lip. Her stupidity had to end. Perhaps this was it. She had to become serious in life. Not everything was rosy and not every girl a princess in fairy-tale. Taking a deep breath she picked up the files and walked over to his desk placing them on the side. Walking back to her desk she picked up the sheet and looked at him.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked softly.

Omkara looked up. "Yeah." Gauri walked over to his desk and extended towards him the typed letter.

He took it curiously and his face fell when he read what it said. 'Resignation Notice'.

"You want to- you are resigning?" He asked removing those huge dark framed glasses from his eyes and looking up at her.

"Yes." She said fidgeting with the end of her saree. She hated what she was doing. But this was the only thing that seemed sane - resignation. She had to give a two month prior notice according to the firm's policy. Two months and then she'd not see his handsome face everyday. Her heart felt heavy. Things would be so different.

"Why?" He asked softly.

"Personal reasons." She said not mentioning anymore than what was written in the letter.

He gazed at her thoughtfully. "Alright, I will have Alia do the formalities. We'd have to look for someone to replace you. Would you mind doing the job postings?"

"No. I will do it." She smiled despite the anger and hurt that was slowly filling her heart. She was cross at him. Even though he spoke on a professional level, it still hurt. Even though she had no right to be cross at him. Oh she had been so stupid. She turned to walk to her table.

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