Chapter 23 : Beyond The Friendzone

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Omkara rubbed his hand at the back of his neck. How was he to deal with a shy woman who had just shared a mind blowing kiss with him a few minutes ago? She didn't even meet his eyes. Now that confused him. Was she embarrassed because of the kiss? Or shy because of their sudden unformulated confession? He took a deep breath, "It's late. I think you should sleep." He finally uttered. Se nodded like an obedient child and moved around the sofa and sat timidly. If she slept here, where would he sleep? Maybe she should just sit and doze off. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt him sit beside her. Hear heartbeats became erratic again. She turned towards him.

He held her hand between his hands. "Gauri, are you embarrassed about it? Look I know..I should..I mean...We..I hadn't. " this is wasn't Omkara had planned. He hated how he stuttered before her. He just couldn't get a grip. His mind was chaotic and so was his heart. Besides his body was drowning in a longing of it's own. 

"Omkara..I am just, umm..I haven't kissed before and it all happened so unexpectedly that I..."

"Oh!" Omkara breathed in relief. "It was great kiss." He mumbled staring at the couch. A few seconds passed. Her hand was still held between his. He looked at her hand and a steady smile began growing on his face. He looked at her. As though feeling his gaze she looked up at him. Her cheeks flushed in a deeper shade of red. He smiled. She bit her lower lip lowering her gaze, while pulling her hand back. He didn't let her. She looked at him. 

"Gauri, I really like you...a lot. And umm, I don't want things to be awkward. See I haven't felt this way before- for anyone else. I perhaps crossed the line with what I did minutes back. But I.."

"I understand." Gauri uttered. She felt bad that he felt he needed to explain himself. He hadn't forced her. It was mutual. She didn't want him to feel that it was just him who had overstepped the line. She had crossed it too. 

"You do?" He asked surprised his hand giving hers a gentle squeeze. Gauri's mind noted every touch. Everything about Omkara had become hundred times more sexy. How on earth would she sleep this night? 

"I do!" She confirmed, finally gatherinvtye courage to look into his eyes. He smiled gazing back at her. His gaze flickered between her eyes and lips. Gauri mirrored his action. The air was on fire again. She panicked this time. As much as she wanted him to kiss her again, she was aware that this is were escalating too quickly between them. That's not how relations are built right? They are first given a strong foundation. She pulled back her hand from his hold turning her face slightly.

Omkara forced a smile as he felt her pull her hand away. He should stop looking at her lips. Cause everytime he looked at them, a desire to kiss her arose. "You can sleep here comfortably. I plan to work on a few cases." Gauri couldn't help but glance at him in surprise. "You will work now?"

"Yeah. I am not sleepy anyway." He answered rising from the sofa. "Wear the blanket. The night's cold." He smiled at her and turned to walk over to his table. Taking one step away he glanced back. He wanted to ask her where their relationship or whatever they had between them stood. However he thought it was only fitting to give each other some time to sink in whatever had transpired between them. "Goodnight!" He smiled and she smiled back whispering a goodnight.

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