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you ended up being quieter than i expected


no i just

there's definitely something bugging you

not exactly

what's that supposed to mean

yes, there's something gnawing at me

but it's not a big deal

i can see your face you know

i do

you're not the best at hiding your emotions

not my fault

so why are we talking here again

i don't think you'd open up to me just like that

you're right


donghyuck shut his phone off and looked right up at mark, making eye contact. with the little time he'd been here, the sun kissed boy was sure something was up. he wasn't bubbly like when they were on call, or maybe donghyuck just didn't know enough about him yet, although it was probably the latter. he patted the spot beside him on the couch and donghyuck complied, sitting down beside mark after getting whiny protests. they were watching a movie and decided on finding dory.


the said boy hummed in response, eyes stuck on the big flat screen television.

"tell me what's wrong," his voice was softly speaking and he really was concerned about what could be bothering him.

"i said it's not a big deal."

"it is if it's enough to keep you quiet." mark then muttered something inaudible and shifted his eyes back to the right to see a confused donghyuck. "huh?"

"nervous. i'm nervous."

donghyuck squirmed around before resting both his arms on mark's shoulder, his head tilted to see the older's face. "don't be nervous. you know we all love you, we just don't show it because we're occupied with attacking each other. or is it because of something else?"

"i'm not used to interacting with people at all, it makes me anxious." the canadian turned a little so he could easily see his sunshine beside him through the corner of his eye. their faces were fairly close; all it would take is a small lean for their lips to touch. it was making mark shy at the thought of it.

donghyuck pouted, "do i make you anxious too?"

"no." he really meant it. mark could always seek comfort with donghyuck and it facilitated a closer relationship between them. also simply because he was adorable.

"i can always help, you know i'm here for you. next time something is on your mind and you don't tell me—"

"shut up dongfuck! i can hear your voice."

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