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"hi! i'm lucas! you're mark, right?"

damn. this guy was literally the :D face in real life. it had been an hour since people started streaming into the mansion with legitimate evening gowns and fancy dress shirts. this would be some type of christmas.

he had lost donghyuck and a few others in the crowd and didn't even bother to find them. jeno, jaemin, and renjun were in plain sight and that was enough reassurance for now.

"y-yeah, i'm mark. nice to meet yo—"

lucas grabbed his hand and shook it excitedly. "YEAH MAN! you're awesome. i like you and we're going to be number one chingus."

"hey yukhei, tone it down a little. you're scaring him." jeno smiled and sipped on his fruit punch. "it's been a while since i've seen you."

"high five, mAN." the two shared a loud high five that rung in mark's ears for a few seconds. that must have hurt. they were so casual with each other, it made mark aware of how awkward he was being.

lucas leaned towards jeno and 'whispered' in his ear. "don't call me yukhei, i have to look cool for mark."

the said boy laughed, making all the tension fade away. "it's okay. we can still be number one chingus. lucas and mark." he waved his hand in the air as if he was creating a rainbow and it was all giggles again.

"xuxi! you stupid giant, i've been looking for you."

"sorry, fat kun. i was just meeting mY NEW FRAND."

kun waved and mark did the same. lucas got dragged away by him, both of them blending into the clumps of people.

"how many names does that guy have?" mark asked between bursts of laughter.

jeno shrugged, "a lot, i guess."

"have you seen hyuck? he disappeared outta nowhere."

"no, i've been with the same people this whole time." he looked in renmin's direction and sighed. "i think i really like them."


"yeah. both." jeno gave his infamous smile and mark cooed at how adorable they were. "i'll see you later then, grandpa."

"alright, son. have fun." the older wiped away a fake tear and jeno nudged him playfully in the shoulder. mark pulled his phone out and texted donghyuck in hopes of finding out where he is.



wifey where are youu

sunshine is typing...

how long does it take to tell me :(

sunshine is typing...



sunshine is typing...


hello 😳☺️😗💓🖐✋👋🥴🗿😭🤠🤰😎🥵👁👄👁💀🥺🤢🤑✌️🥳🤪🤩😠🥶👨‍🦲🤡😔

who are you and what did you do to hyuck

sunshine is typing...

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