The Slip Kid

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(Going by the movies appearance of Clancy)

"Are you sure this is the right way Chubs?" Blanche asked.

"How many times have I got to tell you Blanche. Don't be such a negative Nellie. I know what I'm doing." Chubs responded.

Chubs stopped on the spot. "See!" He looked down a some symbols made on the ground, "E-D-O"

They were all smiling and laughing.

"You found it. We found it oh my-"


Gunshots sounded through the air. The four got on the floor, hands up.

"We aren't armed!" Liam yelled.

"Shut it douche bag." Some one yelled back.

"Wait wait wait. Liam Stewart?" A voice said.

"Mike?" Liam responded, standing up.


"We don't segregate by colours. Everyone is free here." Mike told them.

"Wow. Everyone looks so happy here." Blanche said, looking at the children, about Zu's age, running around giggling.

"I think it's time to meet the Slip Kid" Mike finally said.

Mike guided them to the bottom of a treehouse styled building. "Straight on up." He told them, pointing towards the sky.

"Thank you so much Mike." Blanche said to him.

They walked up the stairs and reached a doorway. It was open so they walked in. Zu was grilling onto Blanche's hand and Chubs and Liam were in front.

"Hello?" Liam said.

"Hey, come on in. Gimme one sec." The voice said- the Slip Kid said?

They looked around the room until they saw a boy stand up from his desk and walk towards them. The boy had light hair and dark blue eyes. His skin was fair. And so- familiar. That's when it hit Blanche.

"Clancy Gray?" Chubs asked.

Blanche's breath hitched. No no no. It can't be him. It can't be. She let out a small cry,


Clancy turned to Blanche, looking her straight in the eyes. A look of confusion swept over him before he realised.


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