Part 6

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"Hey Jeanette," my friend Kassie says leaning against the lockers near mine.

"What's up, Kass," I say back to her grabbing my bag out of my locker.

"You done for the day?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Do you have plans?"


"What to go with me to get a little pumpkin love?"

"You know I'd never say no to that," I laugh following her out of the building.

"Are we staying here, Kass", I ask her as I approach the counter. She nods as she mulls over the menu.

"Hey Jeanette," the barista Moira says to me. "What can I get for you today?"

"Hey Moira. Can I please get a large cinnamon sugar pumpkin latte?"

"Hot or iced?"

"Hot please."

"What kind of milk?"

"Whole please. Yes, to whipped cream. Yes, to caramel. Yes, to cinnamon sugar."

"Extra cinnamon sugar, Jeanette?"

"Well, if you're going to twist my arm, I don't see why not," I laugh as Moira joins me.

"I'll get that ready for you. Can I get you anything ma'am," she asks Kassie as she approaches the counter beside me?

"I'll just have what she's having. I have no idea how to answer all of those questions. It feels like a job interview."

"Coming right up," Moira says after she scans my phone for payment.

While we wait for our lattes, I wave to a few of the baristas behind the counter.

"You're like a celebrity here," Kass says noticing how friendly I am with the staff.

"I guess I'm in here a lot. Maybe twice a day or something."

"Twice a day? Girl, you might be addicted."

"Listen, there are people who are addicted to just coffee. They come in here that much if not more. I only do it this time of year so it's not really an addiction. I stop as soon as the season's over."

"This is true. Whatever makes you happy, you keep doing it."

"Here you go guys," Moira says handing us our lattes. Enjoy."

"Thank you," Kass and I say simultaneously.

Kassie and I find a spot by the windows and sit down.

"So, I have ulterior motives for asking you here today," Kass says to me after taking her first sip.

"What's up?"

"I don't know if you have noticed but a lot of our coworkers are acting strangely. First it was Fred, then it was Gen. Today I noticed that Keegan has also been acting weird. They've been walking around like they're zombies or something."

I don't say anything to her and just continue to drink my latte.

"I'm not accusing you of anything but before all these people got mush brained the last person, they talked to was you. I don't know what you're doing or why. I don't want to even get involved in it. I just don't necessarily want to be next."

"I don't know what gives you the idea that I have anything to do with any of this. Like I have some sort of hit list or something? Come on, Kass. You have to admit that sounds crazy."

"I know, I Know. I just get paranoid. I really don't want to accuse you of anything. It just sounds really suspicious. If you have anything to do with it, I just want to make sure that I'm on your good side."

"You don't have anything to worry about, Kass. You're a fellow pumpkin lover. You're perfectly safe."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing. Hey Kass, you love pumpkin as much as I do, right?"

"I don't know if anyone loves pumpkin as much as you do, Jeanette, but I am a fan."

"I think I could use your help with something. Meet me at my place to night around nine?"

"Sure," Kassie answers reluctantly.

"Great. I have a few things to set up before then, so I'll see you later," I say to her as I finish my last sip. I throw the cup in the garbage and head to my car.

Later that evening, Kassie indeed shows up to my house and we walk to the pumpkin patch.

"Where are we going," Kass asks me as we walk further into the pumpkin patch.

"I told you, Kass. We're going to the pumpkin patch. There's something I have to do. Welcome to the pumpkining."

"Excuse me? What? What's the pumpkining?"

Before I could answer her, the wind picks up blowing leaves all over. In front of us, the Pumpkin King appears.

"My king, I have brought you another follower. This is Kassie. She also loves pumpkin."

"Oh my god," Kassie whispers looking up at the Pumpkin King. Her eyes are opened really wide and her legs are shaking.

"Don't be scared, Kassie. The Pumpkin King is our friend. He needs our help."

"Is this what's been happening to our coworkers? You've been sacrificing them to this creature?"

"I'm not sacrificing. He needs our help. There is a war on pumpkin."

"You said I was safe!"

"You are safe. You will go with him willingly and help him."

"I will do no such thing."

"Silence," the Pumpkin King thunders. "Come with me, Kasandra. You will be joining the army of the pumpkin.

"What part of no is confusing to you? The 'N' or the 'O'," Kassie answers. No longer looking scared, she now looks furious.

"There is something seriously wrong with you, Jeanette. I understand loving something, believe me I do. You can't sacrifice your friends for it. It's the same thing as being on drugs. Literally, pumpkin is your drug and you're forsaking your friends for it. I will not submit to help this creature. You will have to force me."

"That can be arranged," the Pumpkin King says as he reaches for Kassie. She ducks out of the way and attempts to run away but I trip her.

"What are you doing, Jeanette? Why are you doing this to me? Why?"

"I'm sorry Kassie."

The Pumpkin King picks her up and carries her away into the darkness.

"Beware my friend. Beware of the Pumpkining."

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