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Louis was sick. He was really ill, to the point where he has a humidifier plugged in on the highest setting, he sleeps next to a trash can, tissue box and a tub of coconut oil to soothe his red and dry nose. He sneezes again for the fifth time and collapses onto his tiny twin bed, he hears his roommate murmur something in his sleep before twisting in his sheets and facing the wall.

His dorm was nothing special, dressers, and a shared desk for both him and his roommate's laptops. The walls were painted a soft yellow, and one window stacked with Louis' prized novels and plants on the sill. Louis blows his nose and drops the tissue into the trash bin before flipping the page of the book in his lap, squinting from the tiny flashlight providing a small glimmer of light and pushing his glasses further on the tip of his cherry nose.

He hears the humidifier bubble and coughs into his hand. Letting out a small sigh, he continues reading in the darkness of his dorm room on a Tuesday night.

Two days later, on Thursday, Louis leaves his hall with a red thermos clenched in his hand and a tissue box in the other. He sniffles and is welcomed by the warm November air, the refreshing autumn breeze filing through his short fluffy hair and gracing along his feverish skin. He's wearing a large brown turtleneck and a red knit cardigan, and a pair of black corduroys, which are his favourite kind of pants. His feet tucked into an old pair of loafers.

All his clothes were too large by at least two sizes, they were all worn out and some had holes in them. Louis was aware of his messy attire, he tried to hide each hole or stubborn stain behind the layers. He bought almost all of his clothes from the local thrift store, it was the only option in his price range with the added price of his essentials. He gets money sent over not so often and his job at the campus library has helped out a bit, allowing him to splurge once a month on food and books that aren't from the second-hand store, they were new shiny books with no creases or water stains. The rest of the money he saves in his bank account. He liked his stretched out clothes, they weren't the prettiest to look at but they were what he had.

Thanks to his sickness, he needs to start budgeting to pay for his medicine and supply of tissue boxes.

"You know, whatever you have is probably highly contagious."

Louis rolls his eyes, facing his friend with a quirk in his lip. "Then, I hope I infect you as soon as possible."

The brunet laughs, tucking his chin into the collar of his denim jacket and softly nudges Louis' shoulder. "Please do, Professor Night isn't the gem you say he is."

The two begin walking to their next lecture hall which was on the West side of campus. "Joseph is one of the best professors on campus. Not to mention is extensive knowledge on classic English literature. How he can speak so passionately about any novel published in the late fifties to now. You'd think he was at least two decades older than he is—"

"Don't call him that." Liam interrupts and shudders. "Don't talk about him like that either. It's weird."

Louis cackles but coughs roughly into a tissue. "He tells everyone to call him that and I'm simply defending my favourite professor."

"You're only saying that because he lets you write anything you want for the campus paper."

The smaller of the two shrugs with a knowing grin on his lips. "Boston University newspaper is the number one media outlet on campus, and you know what's second?"

"Is it the bulletin board?"

"It's the bulletin board." Louis frowns deeply. "Stupid board can't catch up to me and my journalist team."

"Your standards are rock bottom if you're putting all this effort into competing with a corkboard covered in tutoring and looking-for-roommate flyers," Liam adds a small skip to his step. "And by journalist team you mean a bunch of geeks who wear suits to class because they're anchors for the campus news, Zayn, your roommate and Patricia, the girl with the largest stamp collection I've ever seen."

You Put the Sun in Sunday; larry stylinson (bottom!louis) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now