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inspired by: *or see the Spotify playlist*
• Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
• The Hollies - The Air That I Breathe
• Ariana Grande (lol or Harry Styles) - Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart
• Lana Del Rey - Love Song
• Harry Styles - Kiwi (if you squint)

What inspired this chapter, I imagine this as the song for the trailer of this fic: *see video attached/above*

"How long?" Harry asks immediately.

"Until next September," Ms. Matilda watches Harry shift uncomfortably. "The whole summer semester. It's unlike him to miss work, much less for that long of a period—" Harry doesn't let her finish. He runs out of the library and nearly tramples a couple. He shouts an apology and races to Louis' dorm.

There are some stragglers, lugging around bags or suitcases which Harry trips over a few times. He takes the stairs instead and finds himself standing outside Louis' dorm, D13. He knocks rapidly, ignoring the curious glances from other students.

The door swings open, and goodness, Louis was fucking pregnant. Harry has only seen him in long oversized cardigans and sweaters that draped over his frame. Louis' belly is the first thing Harry sees, it stretches the material of his t-shirt and Harry just wants to touch it. It looks like he's hiding a small fruit under his shirt and, Harry almost melts. Somehow, he finds his words, but his eyes don't move from Louis' belly. "Where are you going?"

Louis makes a face, hiding behind the door and gulping. "None of your business."

Harry scoffs at the defensiveness in Louis' tone. "Like hell it is, you're having my baby." He takes hold of the doorknob and pushes, gently though, always so gently with Louis, it doesn't take much for Louis to move out of the way.

"Well, it's still none of your business," Louis stands in the middle of his empty bland dorm room with his arms crossed. He cocks his hip. "Get out, Harry."

"Nor until you tell me where you're going." Harry shuts the door, not caring for when students who just saw him enter a boy's room. "I need to know where you are going."

Louis sighs, clearly tired, "Harry, I don't want to do this right now."

"Then, when, Louis? You can't ignore me forever, I want to be here and I want to be with you and our baby. You have fucking bodyguards wherever you go and how are we supposed to work this out it if can't even talk to you?"

"Simple, we don't work it out."

"Then, what about closure? You of all people deserve closure." Harry sags against the door. "After everything I said, I just need you to listen to me. Once more."

It might've been his wide sad eyes or the vulnerability in his voice but Louis sits on his bed. He stays, looking at Harry for a long moment. "Who are we to you?" Louis' tone is low, one hand reaching under his shirt, Harry watches his hand disappear under the fabric and knows it's cradling his belly.

Harry stumbles to him, drops his knees and gravel at Louis' feet with his hands clenching the material of his pants tightly to restrain himself from grabbing the small boy and wrapping him up in his arms. "My everything."

"You're lying." The boy looks exhausted, the mother of his child is tired of him and Harry couldn't blame him. He's been through so much at Harry's expense. Harry couldn't believe the words he said to Louis the first time they broke up. He told him he wasn't attracted to him, he hid behind hurtful words and false confidence to keep Louis away from him. He was truly every bad quality rolled into one, glued together by the hopes of trapping Louis with him in the toxic comfort of a closet with walls built with Harry's ego.

You Put the Sun in Sunday; larry stylinson (bottom!louis) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now