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Pre-note: good luck to everyone getting Louis' tickets ! & this video goes well with this chapter too. Feel free to listen :^) hope you enjoy.

Liam merely glances at Louis as he gets into the car. His brows shot to his hairline, "Where is he?"

Louis sniffles, rubbing his nose with his sleeve, "He said he loves me."

The brown-eyed man starts the car, "And?"

"I don't believe him."

"Well," Liam breathes, "you not believing him doesn't make it any less true." He starts driving, Louis looks out the window with his bag on his lap. "What would he have to gain by lying to you?"

Louis shrugs, the students around campus were all smiling. They deserved happiness, the happiness that always slipped from Louis' fingers whenever he tried to catch it--maybe they had nets to catch it successfully, Louis didn't have a net or the energy to attempt to catch it again.


Harry had the power to bring Louis to his knees, and it was taking every little bit of self-control for Louis to deny him. Louis didn't want to think of all the songs about moving on he's been blasting non-stop for the past month. Journey's "I'll Be Alright Without You"  was repeating over and over again off the walls of his brain. Forgiving Harry would be going against the words sung, Louis deserved better. The only question was if he wanted better.

"Do you want him to get you back? Do you want him back?" Liam keeps pestering him. "I think if he didn't mean it, he wouldn't stalk you for a month."

Louis' stomach churns. He was well aware of Harry's small obsession with him in their time apart. He never saw Harry but he knew when he was near, it was a prickle in his skin or a simple shiver up his spine. "I'm having his baby."

"You are." Liam nods, eyes on the road. They're getting closer to the edge of campus, and further away from Harry. "If Harry didn't care, or was lying, then why put so much effort into you."

Louis rubs his eyes. "I'm so sad, but he makes me happy and I love how I feel with him. He hurt me, I felt helpless and used. He said mean things but everything that he's saying now is so lovely. I want it on a record." He feels the tears coming back. "I want to listen to him apologize and tell me how much he loves me—but is it bad that the fact he hurt me makes it sound so beautiful?"

"Maybe that's the sound of your love song," Liam says, "it isn't the ideal love song, not polished or ready for the radio, but it's yours. It's a unique one at that."

Louis doesn't leave campus or the school property. Liam drives him back to his dorm, knowing that he can't leave Louis miserable, Harry can be left in a hole for all he cares but his sweet best friend didn't deserve to spend the whole summer wondering, thinking and crying about Harry. Liam had to help them find their way back to each other, for the sake of themselves and the baby on the way.

When Louis walks into his dorm, he sees a curved figure on his bed. The chestnut curls curtained over the man's eyes as he buried his face into Louis' pillow. The room was vacant, as were most of the dorms in the dormitory. Students leaving to begin their summer break, hoping for the best time of their lives while Harry lies crying in Louis' bed.

The moment Louis steps into the room, Harry's shoulders stiffen.

"There's a lot of things I can't do in the world." Louis couldn't do math, he preferred words and stories over numbers and rulers. Louis couldn't cook for sure, burning down anything in the kitchen, even making something as simple as eggs. Louis couldn't give up his baby for adoption, his one good thing in the world, he couldn't raise a baby alone, and most of all, he couldn't leave Harry weeping in his bed. "One of them is to stop loving you."

You Put the Sun in Sunday; larry stylinson (bottom!louis) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now