18: the finale

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It's November. Harry already showered before curling up in the sheets again. He stares at Louis until the latter trudges, waddles, Harry loved how he waddled to the bathroom, later appearing with a little bit of toothpaste on the corner of his lips. "Good morning." Louis squeaks out a yawn. Reaching out to run a delicate finger over the cut in Harry's brow. "You feeling okay?" He falls into bed again.

"Yeah," Harry rasps, not hiding the fact he was staring at Louis sleeping. "You hungry?"

"Always hungry." Louis murmurs, he's in that soft sleep state where Harry could ask for anything and he would agree. "Want pancakes." Harry climbs over him, their limbs tangling in the sheets and Harry's abs pressing against his stomach. "And bacon, watermelon and whipped cream, and exactly four baby carrots."

Harry listens intently. "You know what today is?"

"All Saints' Day."

"Besides that," Harry mumbles against the skin of Louis' neck.

"All Hallows' Day, the Feast of All Saints." Louis lists in a mocking manner, he traces his fingers through Harry's hair. It's gotten longer, almost to his shoulders.

"I hate that you know all that." Harry laughs quietly, caressing Louis' side with one hand. "Let me guess, you wrote a headline on it too?"

"I did," Louis confirms, tugging a little, giggling when Harry bites his neck. He's ticklish, and his boyfriend takes advantage of it. "Not my best work but Joseph liked it."

"Ugh," Harry pulls away with a frown. "Fucking Joseph. Stop calling him that."

"You aren't the boss of me."

Harry sighs, returning to his home in the crook of Louis' neck. He loved it there. Always so warm, smelling like sweet caramel on a sundae, or sometimes like peppermint. He liked the peppermint more because it was his own smell that had begun to rub off on Louis. "I know."



"It's Hallowmas, yes?"

Harry rolls them over. Louis sits high on his lap, shirtless with his nine-month tummy out. Their baby was due soon, possibly too soon as in within the next two days, but taking up all the time in the world in Louis' belly. They were more than prepared, half of Harry's room was cleared out and a bassinet with a changing table was set up. They bought reusable diapers, normal diapers just in case because Louis is paranoid, and the cutest little toys and clothes. Harry immediately brings both hands to grasp the roundness. His left hand going to Louis' back, knowing he gets sore there. "It's our day."

"Is it?" Louis shifts, Harry's always had morning wood but today it was exceptionally hard. Harry bites his lip, eyeing Louis' breasts. His nipples had gotten swollen and sensitive, and Harry loved the noises he made when he sucked on them, "It's Sunday, Sunday. How could you forget?"

"Sunday." Louis echos. "My day."

"That's right." Harry smiles up at him, his hand fanning around his head.

Louis looks out the window, it was cloudy as it was during October and November. The chilly autumn season. "It's not sunny, I don't want to go outside."

"I've got to go buy pancake mix." Harry especially loves how Louis looks in the morning. All tiny and enchanting. His eyes always brighter in the early hours, cheeks a little pinker, lips a little more kissable.

Louis pouts, "There's no sun. That means it's cold."

"Mhm, I don't think so." Harry yanks Louis down, gently. He kisses him like he's kissed him a billion times and always makes it just as passionate. "I've got my sun right here."

"Of course, he's in my belly."

"No. Well, yes but I was talking about you." Harry wrinkles his nose when Louis' finger tickles his ear.

"That's a new one." Louis murmurs against his lips. The bedsheets fall to his hips, his hands going to Harry's jaw, lightly scratching over the stubble that's grown. "I'm the sun?"

"Nah," Harry bites on his boyfriend's bottom lip, tugging. "Just my sun." Harry could die like this. Under his pregnant, adorable, squishy boyfriend in his frat house bedroom while the November wind blows around the red, yellow, orange and brown leaves outside. The world doesn't wait, months go on, seasons change, years pass, but that was okay because Harry had his Louis, his sunshine, his sun, his Sunday, his boy who puts the sun in Sunday. His boy was nine months pregnant, about to pop and their baby would be here any day.

Louis flops off Harry, curling up in the sheets and the pregnancy pillow Harry bought for him. "Well, go on. I asked for pancakes, didn't I?"

"What if your water breaks when I'm gone—" As if on cue, Louis gasps, which eventually turns into a loud screech. Harry's brain goes into overdrive, he falls off the bed, crashing to the floor and stands. "What the fuck?!" He fumbles around the bed for wetness and comes up empty. He glares at Louis. "I'm so sick of you."

Louis remains on the bed, not in labour and completely pregnant. He shrugs, "Lovesick, that is."

"Your karma is going to be childbirth."

"Oh, shut up." Louis cackles when Harry's fingers dig into his ribs. "Stop! If you do that," he squirms, "I will pee all over your bed!"

Harry wrinkles his nose, moving away. "Nasty."

"Then don't tickle your pregnant boyfriend."

Harry scoffs, standing in his boxers and ignoring Louis' wandering gaze. "Have you thought of any names?"

The blue-eyed boy wiggled in the sheets, "Yes. But I'm not telling you."

Harry walks around the bed and towards his closet to get dressed for the day. He'd rather not show the entire house his boner from his pregnant boyfriend. "Why not?"

"Don't wanna," Louis answers with a yawn, Harry hopes he'll still be awake by the time he comes back. Louis hates cold food. "Before you go, I finished my stack of books and I didn't want to go back to my dorm, it's too far so I checked in your bookbag for something to read." Louis looks so calm, in Harry's sheets with his hand caressing his huge stomach. "I don't know why I even bothered looking, you don't read."

Harry's breath hitches, he whips around with his sweatpants up one leg. He nearly falls back into his closet—pun not intended. "Sunday,"

"Are you going to tell me why I found a little red velvet box in your bookbag?"

Note: epilogue coming soon :^)

You Put the Sun in Sunday; larry stylinson (bottom!louis) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now