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Hours later, Louis isn't sure where Liam's jacket went but he knows this is his fourth or fifth solo cup. He has moved from the quiet kitchen and found himself in a wave of bodies that provide more heat than his dorm.

The music is loud and bursting his eardrums but Louis remains where he is, swaying with his eyes closed in the middle of the dance floor. He's never felt this alive, if he were sober, he'd be clawing his way out. Not only was Louis still 18 and very illegal to drink, but he had a foggy mind, no contacts and forgotten his glasses in his dorm. So, with the alcohol soaring through his bloodstream, he doesn't expect to immediately shove away the ring clad hands that pull him close.


The small boy stumbles, spilling his drink all over the man's shoes.

"Fucking hell," the voice curses, roughly pulling Louis out of the crowd, up the stairs and into a hallway. Through his blurry vision, Louis can see multiple couples making out, all pressed up against the walls.

"Louis, why did Liam bring you here?" Harry has always seen Liam as one of the most responsible and well-put-together students on campus. It's more than out of the ordinary that he brought his friend, his underage tiny friend into a frat party, much less Harry's frat's party which are known to get a little too crazy. Especially tonight, the party was to celebrate the first game of the season coming up later in the week. Harry came to have fun, and he was until he saw Louis, too drunk to stand and just drifting off in the middle of the dance floor.

"Because—" Louis hiccups, "you're an... asshole."

Without any context, Harry still agrees with him. He didn't care about Louis' opinion, much less what he said about him, "I'm aware."

Louis glares at him or attempts to at least. It comes off as his eyes half-lidded shut, he looks like he'll pass out, "You... fucking liar."

Harry steps back but quickly recovers, out of all their sessions, he's never once heard Louis swear, or seen the true anger in his eyes. Sure, Harry's irritated him before but never pissed him off like it looks like he did now. Harry is about to wave Louis off because he doesn't care much about his drunken words, but he freezes his steps.

"Gay," Louis says too loudly for Harry's liking. "You're gay, aren't you?" It's a surprise he didn't stutter again.

A high-pitched squeal erupts from Louis' lips when Harry shoves him back into a room. There are two girls on the bed, half-naked and their eyes widen seeing Harry and Louis stumble in. "Out." It's a simple request, and the girls look intoxicated enough that they won't remember Harry's face but he still hides behind the brim of his hat, looking down.

It isn't long before Harry and Louis are alone again. Though, Louis had managed to trudge his way to the half-made bed and fall onto it, groaning when his drink spills all over his hand. Harry rolls his eyes, he was a mess.

"Ew," Louis frowns, seeing multiple condom packets on the desk, just out in the open. "Fucking perv, who leaves condoms out like that?" He wrinkles his nose, seeing a few clothes scattered across the floor, all dirty he presumes. "Fucking nasty." But he remains on the bed, that may as well be the most germ-infested thing in the room.

"Thanks," Harry scoffs, locking the door and ignoring the many pairs of shoes cluttering behind the door. He needs to clean his room, or at least lock it so no one would wander inside during a party like this.

"Let me out." Louis takes a long sip of his drink, it runs down the side of his neck. "You hate me, ugly Harry."

Harry can handle his alcohol, though he'd guess this is Louis' first time being drunk. He clearly didn't know his limits, "You think I'm ugly?" He asks, walking closer to the bed, Louis stares at him with dimmed blue eyes.

You Put the Sun in Sunday; larry stylinson (bottom!louis) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now