Sixth Of November by Nancy Brauer

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The crowd in the Music Concourse roared when Gwen Frontera and her band took the stage. "Gwen!" Leslie screamed. Kristin kept her smile plastered on and shrieked along with her friend. Two weeks ago she'd have been just as excited to see the pop star live, and during the Independence Day festival, no less. Now it was all she could do to not look over her shoulder at the soldiers posted throughout Golden Gate Park.

Something nudged Kristin's side. She yelped and whirled around only to find Leslie, who rolled her eyes. Still bouncing to Gwen's opening song, Leslie laughed, "Jumpy much? And when did you develop a thing for men in uniform?"


Leslie nodded to Kristin's left. "Tall, dark, and military over there. You were checking him out."

Kristin felt her face flush. "N-no..." She couldn't be found out. She wouldn't be able to work on those drugs-not on the initial high dosage. They'd destroy her work. Her career. Her life.

Leslie threw an arm around Kristin's shoulders and turned her toward the soldier. He was tall, dark-skinned, and quite handsome. The man's military uniform and holstered stun gun negated all of that. "Oh, come on. I don't see a ring," Leslie grinned. "When the hell did you get so shy? Wink at him. At least smile!"

Kristin managed a smile, then turned her eyes to the stage. Pins and needles pricked at her skin, just like they had two weeks ago. Stay here, she thought as she drew a breath. Here. Exhale. Here. Inhale. Here.

The sensations subsided. Tears of relief welled in Kristin's eyes.

Leslie moved her grip to Kristin's upper arm. "Hey, are you all right?"

Her friend's concern and innocent question made the tears spill over. "Yeah," Kristin lied. "Allergies."

"Oh. Did you take something?"

"Yeah. It should kick in soon." She didn't like lying to her friend, but in this case it was better than the truth.

"Good." Leslie craned her neck and stood on tiptoes to get a better look at Gwen and the band. Between being 100 feet from the stage and her petite stature, she was out of luck. "This sucks. Let's try to get closer."

Kristin followed Leslie through the crowd. Her friend was right; all she needed was to get out of the lab and have some fun. By the time they'd danced/pushed/maneuvered within a stone's throw of Gwen, Kristin's worries were all but forgotten. The party atmosphere was infectious, and none of the soldiers they'd passed had given Kristin a second glance.

Gwen's first song was rewarded by cheers and thunderous applause. "Thank you!" Her soprano echoed a bit due to the sound system. "Y'all know we've been on tour." Cheers erupted again. Once they'd waned the singer continued, "Traveled all over, even to New America." Kristin and Leslie booed along with the crowed. "The sapiens there are tough. Right up there with us!" She flung her arms wide, including her audience and the band in the gesture. Leslie and Kristin shouted their agreement, clapping.

Gwen waited for the crowd to quiet completely. After a full minute had passed, she spoke soberly. "Thirty-two years ago we showed the nicts and their sycophants the door." The throng murmured agreement. "Thirty-two years ago we made sure it hit 'em on the ass on the way out." Leslie and Kristin sounded their support with the crowd. "Thirty-two years ago five thousand of us-sapiens and our nict allies-died. For us. For freedom!"

"FOR FREEDOM!" Kristin and Leslie cried with the others.

Gwen waved her band members around her mic. They cheered, "Happy birthday, Western Coalition!" The audience went wild as the band dove into their next song.

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