Chapter 14

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I had never envisioned that I would ever in my life end up on house arrest. That was just such an odd thing to believe would happen to me. But that was exactly what I had been forced to do since my night terror about the wolves.

That night, I hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. Nialler sat up with me all night. We talked about anything and everything. I described the nightmare and he did his best to console me. Then we played video games until dawn. Nialler fell asleep only an hour until he had to get up for class. I never shut my eyes the entire time. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was fearful of what else would happen if I did.

I had ended up making Nialler breakfast during that hour he was asleep. I cooked him pancakes, hash browns, and sausage. I set the plate down on the kitchen table a millisecond before he walked into the room.

The worry was evident in his eyes and it was all over his body language. When he had looked around and realized that I was fine--or fine enough--he had relaxed. He had given me a hug. Then he ate his food. And then we had gotten into a very heated argument.

Nialler had been pissed off that I had let him fall asleep. He had insisted that I couldn’t go to my classes. I had argued with him, telling him repeatedly that I was okay and that it wasn’t a good idea to skip. Nialler had waved me off and yelled at me. He had told me that I needed to stay home and sleep. I had screamed at him because he knew why I couldn’t do that. Then he had stormed out of the apartment, taking my keys with him. So I had been unable to go anywhere. I was forced to email my professors and to try and come up with a convinceable lie about a family emergency.

All day Wednesday I had only been able to keep myself busy for so long before I went insane. Nialler at least got to go out even if it was for educational purposes. I had called and left him a dozen angry messages. I had cleaned the apartment until it was spotless. I had played video games and done all the dirty laundry.

Nialler had only contacted me twice the entire day. The first was a text telling me he loved me. Nothing more, nothing less. It had angered me just as much as it made me smile. Then he had sent me another message telling me he had gotten called into the gallery.

That night he had gotten home at nine. I had cooked him dinner. It was just something frozen and from a box, but it was all we had in the kitchen for two. And I wasn’t able to go out and buy anything because my idiotic best friend had forbidden me from driving, leaving the apartment, and breathing in fresh air.

Sitting at the table, Nialler had asked me, “Did you sleep today?”

I had averted my gaze and shoved a bite of food into my mouth.

“Well?” he had prompted me, impatiently.

After a moment, I had answered with a simple, “No.”

He had thrown his hands up in frustration. Then he had started yelling at me again. I had thrown a fit and cursed at him over and over again. I hadn’t thought it was fair, the way he had treated me. I wasn’t a baby, so it didn’t seem like I should have been controlled like one. Nialler and I had fought until we had stopped arguing and started kissing. We had found ourselves back in my bed. But after only a short while, he had called an end to that and decided we were going to go to sleep.

I hadn’t slept a wink that night either. Nialler had woken up in the middle of the night a bunch of times. Each occasion, he had noticed I still hadn’t passed out. And each time he had scolded me. But he just wouldn’t understand how frightened I was. I couldn’t go to sleep. So I hadn’t. It probably wasn’t healthy of me to do, but I had done it anyway.

Thursday morning I had done the same thing as Wednesday. I had crawled out of Nialler’s arms at eight and had set to making him breakfast once more. When he had come into the kitchen, he hadn’t seem surprised like he had been the previous day. He had just kissed me and we had both eaten our waffles and eggs.

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