Chapter 30

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I grinned broadly up at that beautiful face. Ever since I’d shown up at Ely’s house after my classes were done, all he’d made me do was smile. I was so happy to see him. I hadn’t even cared that I had to explain to him exactly how horrible my confrontation with Nialler had gone the night before. Because I knew that at the end of the discussion, Ely was going to be right there. And he was.

I rested my head back on Ely’s pillow. The softness of his bed enveloped me as Ely hovered above me. He smirked at me and leaned in to place a small kiss at the corner of my mouth. I felt like I was going to burst with happiness. A person as wonderful as him could drive you mad with joy. That’s what was happening to me.

I couldn’t have been more ecstatic than I was to finally be able to call him my boyfriend. There was no guilt, no pretending that there wasn’t another guy trying to get in my pants. Because now there wasn’t. Nialler and I were over. Well, not our friendship. Just our friends-with-benefits relationship. At one point in time, that would have torn me apart. Now, it was enough to make me smile lightly at the thought.

Ely was all I needed to keep me happy on that level. Him and his smile. And his touch. And, of course, Ely’s lips. But definitely his eyes. There was nothing I loved more about him than those magnificent silver-blue eyes of his. They were like nothing else--otherworldly. Enough to make me lose sight of the present at times.

Ely planted another kiss, this one more firm, on my lips. I kissed him back for a second before snaking my arms under his and holding onto the backs of his shoulders. I held on and used them for leverage to flip him over so that I was now hovering over him.

He smiled back at me, the action causing those eyes to brighten. My stomach was doing intense acrobatics. I felt nervous because of how much he affected me. It was definitely not normal to like someone this much--that, I was sure of.

Ely brought his hands up and locked them behind my neck. He slowly pulled me down so our faces were hardly any amount of space apart. He looked into my eyes. My breath caught in my throat. Both of our eyes slowly drifted closed.

Ely tilted his face up and his nose nudged mine. A second later he softly placed his perfectly full lips against mine. I melted in his arms. I felt safe and happy. The feeling was rare and I hadn’t experienced it in such a long time. So that made me appreciate it just that little bit more.

I brought my body up to sit on Ely’s lap with my knees on each side of him. I pressed my lips against his, seeing all sorts of bright colors and flashes as his hand brushed my long hair away from my face. I felt the color rise to my cheeks. I wasn’t even embarrassed or anything. The blush was there only because I was so happy in that moment.

After a few more minutes and some enjoyable making out, I pulled back from him. I grinned lopsidedly at him as I sat back on his lap.

Ely bent his knees up to provide a backrest for me that I easily took advantage of. He grabbed onto my hands and twined our fingers together. He watched me with a certain glint in his eyes.

“What?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing. You just look so happy, is all.”

I nodded at him and brushed a thumb against his. “I am happy. You make me really happy, Ely.”

The slight reddish tint to his cheeks was very unexpected. “Well, you make me really happy too.”

“Then I guess it’s a really good thing that we’re dating,” I said. “Otherwise we wouldn’t be so happy.”

Ely chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”

I swiftly moved down and pecked a cheeky kiss on his lips. “I just love kissing you,” I said, feeling dazed. “I had no idea I could feel like this about anyone. But I do for you. And it’s the best feeling in the world.”

Ely smiled and sat up as well, causing me to scoot back so I was sitting on his thighs. He kissed me again, easily sliding his tongue past my lips. I squeezed our still intertwined hands and swirled my tongue around with his enthusiastically.

Ely broke the kiss a minute later and pecked me on the cheek a couple of times. When he moved back, he stared me straight in the eyes.

“I’m in like with you.”

The words slipped past those gorgeous lips with no qualms. It was like it was the most natural thing he could have said. Ely was just watching me and half-smirking. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back onto the bed. I fell forward and pressed my face to his neck.

“That was so cheesy,” I said. I kissed his throat. Then I moved my lips up and kissed him right below his ear before whispering into it. “But it’s okay because I’m in like with you too.”

Ely laughed. “Is this like our honeymoon stage?”

“No,” I said into his neck.


I shook my head, consequently nuzzling against him. “Nope, because those end. And I really don’t want this to end.”


I woke up to the feeling of fingers tracing circles on the skin of my back. A small smile found its way onto my lips as I turned my head to see Ely staring back at me. His eyes were full of sleep, a look that I imagined was mirrored in my own eyes.

“What time is it?” I asked. My voice came out all scratchy so I cleared my throat.

“Just about midnight,” Ely said.

I wiped my face with one of my hands. “When did we even fall asleep? I don’’t remember that.”

Ely laughed quietly. “I’m not quite sure. Obviously some point after your shirt came off.”

He was smirking playfully at me. I faked a scowl and lightly smacked him on the arm. “Hey, I’m not the only one. I bet you don’t even know where your shirt ended up.”

“Nope,” he said. “And I don’t even care.” He rolled over, gently lying on top of me, and placed a kiss on my lips. Then he backed off and grabbed my hand as he stood up. “Come on, let’s go.”

I chuckled as I followed suit, getting to my feet next to him. After our make out session earlier, we were both standing there in our underwear. I found it oddly cute and, at the same time, ironic that we wore the same type of underwear: boxer briefs.

“Where are we going?”

“To make breakfast,” he said with a cheeky wink.

I crinkled my brows as he led me out into the hallway. “But it’s almost midnight.”

“That doesn’t mean anything,” he said walking us towards the stairs in the dark. “It’s never too late or early for pancakes and bacon.”

I smiled. “Never have truer words been uttered.”

“You mean, never have more beautiful words been uttered. Because bacon is fucking gorgeous.”

“I’m marrying you,” I said, watching him in awe. “A man who loves bacon so much deserves my hand in marriage.”

Ely let out a loud laugh. He flipped the light-switch on so we didn’t tumble down the stairs. “I’ll hold you to that.”

I just laughed. When we reached the kitchen, Ely turned to face me. At first, I was confused, but then he grabbed onto my waist and lifted me up onto the island in the center of the room. He stepped forward, pressing our naked chests together as he gave me a sweet, but passionate, kiss. Then he pulled away, leaving me breathless and staring after him as he went to his refrigerator.

“You’re freaking gorgeous,” I said.

Ely turned around and smiled at me. “So are you.” I laughed and watched him pull ingredients and cooking utensils out so he could start on the food. “What are you doing this weekend?”

I sighed. “You mean besides locking myself in my room so I can avoid my best friend?”

“Er, yeah,” he said. “You don’t have to work or do any homework?”

I shook my head. “Nope. I finished all my school stuff on Wednesday. And Melissa doesn’t have me booked for anything until Monday. Then she’s also got me working like a pack mule until Wednesday. Next week is going to be so busy.”

“So why don’t you stay here for the weekend,” Ely casually suggested. He cracked an egg into the bowl of pancake mix and stirred it in. He never looked up at me.

“You’re serious?”

He shrugged and turned his back on me. When he was flipping the bacon--and I couldn’t see his face--he said, “Yeah. If I don’t get to see you much next week, and since I haven’t seen you much in the last two weeks, then why not?”

I didn’t say anything. It didn’t seem that horrible of an idea. I did really want to spend more time with him. He was my boyfriend and I was crazy about him. The more time we could fit in together with my hectic schedule the better.

Before I could say anything, Ely said, “I mean, I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” His words were rushed. I swear he sounded nervous. “I know you were worried before about your sleep thing so if you’re not ready yet, it’s okay.”

“Hey, Ely,” I said softly. “Babe, turn around. You’re messing with the bacon enough. It’ll never cook at the rate you keep fussing with it.”

Ely’s shoulders relaxed and he put the fork on the counter. He turned around and met my eyes. I had definitely been right. He looked nervous. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking how sweet and adorable that was.

“What?” he asked.

“Why are you so tense? You’re in your element here.” He shrugged. I gave him a stern look. “Seriously, what’s up?”

“It’s just, I really like you. You know that, of course. I’ve only told you a million times already,” he said, shaking his head at himself. “Anyway, just because I’m familiar with being in a gay relationship and you’re not, doesn’t change the fact that it’s not intimidating.”

I stared at him confusedly. “What’s intimidating?”

Ely sighed. He seemed frustrated with himself. “You are. You might be new to all this,” he gestured to himself. I assumed he was talking about the fact that he was a guy. “But you’re still older than me. And as much as I hate caring about others’ opinions, I care about yours. A lot, really.”

“Well, you shouldn’t,” I said. “I’m not that special.”

“You are to me,” he muttered. “Anyway that’s not the point.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Then what is the point?”

“I’m just scared of you rejecting me. Like if the reason you won’t stay the night with me is really just because you don’t want to.”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “Seriously? Ely I picked you. Of course I want to stay here with you!”

“Oh.” He looked down at his feet before glancing up at me again. “Then why don’t you?”

I sighed. “Because I was worried about my sleeping phobia. But I’ve gotten used to it here. And I’ve fallen asleep with you in your bed a few times now with no mishaps. So I’m thinking I will stay the weekend.”

Ely’s eyes brightened. “Really?”

I nodded my head. The happiness in his voice was so cute. “Yeah. Besides, I know that if anything happens, I’ve got you.”

Ely rushed over and hugged me tightly. He kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll be right there if you need me.”

I tightened my arms around him for a second. “I know.” I closed my eyes. Then I thought of something. “Whoa, wait. What about your mom?”

The stove started to make loud sizzling noises so Ely released me and went back to tending to the bacon. “What about her?” he asked over his shoulder.

“Uhm, you’re kind of still in high school.”

“So? I’m eighteen. I’m an adult, I can do whatever I want.”

“Ely,” I said seriously.

He waved me off with a hand. “It’s fine. She’s in San Fran’ this weekend working anyway. She won’t be back until Monday.”

I hesitated. “I guess, if you’re sure...”

“I’m positive,” he said firmly. “There’s no way I’m letting you leave.”

I laughed. “Alright, alright. But you’ll have to let me borrow your clothes. Because I didn’t bring any of my own.”

“That’s fine. It’ll be hot seeing you in my things anyway.”

“Whatever,” I said.

A phone started ringing. I looked around, curiously. I didn’t even know there was a phone down here. Ely turned around. “Shit, that’s my cell.”

“Where is it?”

“The dining room. It’s right through there,” he said, pointing towards two french doors across the room. “Will you go get it?”

I got up and started walking towards the loud music. “Why is it down here?”

“I forgot it in there after I hung up with you this afternoon.”

I hummed an answer as I spotted the device on the table. The screen read ‘Skylar’ so I decided to go ahead and answer it.


“Is this Caspar?” she asked.


“What are you doing answering my brother’s phone at midnight? Oh, wait,” she said suggestively. “Forget I asked.”

I scowled as I walked back into the kitchen. “Don’t be a pervert.” I hoisted myself back up onto the counter, facing Ely.

“Who’s a pervert?” he asked.

“Your sister,” I said.

“Oh,” he said in understanding.

“Put me on speaker!” Skylar yelled in my ear.

I grumbled and did as she asked. “There. You’re on speaker so quit yelling.”

“Good,” she said smugly. “What are you two doing?”

“Making breakfast,” Ely answered. “Caspar and I fell asleep earlier and we just woke up.”

“Mmm,” she said. “That sounds good. Hey, Caspar, I heard you broke up with Nialler.”

“Sky!” Ely yelled sharply.


“You’re so fucking rude.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s fine,” I told Ely. Then to Skylar, I said, “Yeah I did.”

“Awh,” she cooed. “You two are so adorable. And I can’t even see you right now!”

I laughed. Skylar was so strange. “Oh!” I said, remembering something. “I told one of my friends about how I’m gay and dating Ely--”

“You did?” Skylar asked loudly, obviously surprised.

“Yes. And I told him about how you and I weren’t really dating. So he was wondering if he could date you.”

Skylar grew quiet. Ely glanced over and I raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged and moved the now-coooked bacon onto a plate. He handed it to me, which I happily took and set down next to me. I picked up a cool piece and took a bite.

Finally, Skylar spoke. “Really? He said that?”

I smirked. “Yup! He wants me to give him your number.”

“Did you?”

“No. I told him I’d talk to you first.”

“Is he hot?”

I laughed. “That’s your first question? You don’t even know his name!”

“Fine,” she grumbled. “What is it?”


“Alright, I’m sold,” she said quickly. “With a name like that, he’s most definitely hot.”

I nodded. “Yeah, he’s pretty gorgeous. And he’s the sweetest thing.” Ely whipped his head around and gave me a look. I held up my hands defensively. “Calm down, obviously you’re better.”

“Quit being annoyingly gay, you two,” Skylar quipped. “Let’s focus on me!”

Ely rolled his eyes and turned his focus back onto the pancakes. “We always do. You give us no other choice, Sky.”

“Shut up. Hey, I’m just gonna come over. We can talk about my new boyfriend and I’ll steal your food.”

“No!” Ely yelled.

“And why not?” Skylar asked indignantly.

“I just want to spend some damn quality time with my boyfriend,” Ely said. “Without you.”

“Asshole. Now I’m really coming over. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Don’t you dare go downstairs and get into your car,” Ely warned, flipping a pancake.

“Too late,” Skylar teased. “I’ve already got my shoes and coat on. Now I’ve got my purse and keys. Heading out the door, Ely!”

“You little bitch,” he said angrily.

“We’ll make it a family gathering,” she said cheerily, pissing her brother off even more.”

“You can’t come over!”

By this time, I was struggling to keep my laughter quiet. Then when Anton strolled into the room, sniffing the air and wiping the sleep from his eyes, I was in stitches.

“Who can’t come over?” he asked.

Ely swore loudly.

“Me!” Skylar yelled from the phone as it sat on the counter next to me. “That’s why I’ll be there soon. Save me some breakfast!”

Then she hung up and I stopped laughing long enough to eat another piece of bacon. Anton saw and came over to join me.

“Thank God you made bacon,” he said to his twin. “I’m starving.”

“For fuck’s sake!” Ely yelled, clearly frustrated, and threw a cooked pancake onto a plate.

Anton smirked at me and we both started laughing. Ely glared at us, only fueling the fire.

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