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emma chamberlain

"Emma, you are not wearing that," Olivia shook her head disappointedly at me.

I looked down at my everyday crop top and high waisted shorts. "What's wrong with it?" my eyebrows furrowed.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "Let me take care of it."

For the next hour Olivia prepped me to her version of perfection. She did my makeup, straightened my hair, and picked out my outfit.

After she finished I did a double take at my reflection in the mirror.

My normal girl next door style was now... different to say the least.

But, I felt like a bad ass. I was wearing a tight black skirt with black long sleeve top. The top was sheer, so you could see my black bra underneath.

It was so unlike me, but that's almost the reason why I liked it so much.

A new adventure.

Just as Olivia finished getting ready, the doorbell to our apartment rang.

"Coming!" I yelled to them, even though they couldn't hear me.

I ran towards the front door and flung it open.

And there stood Ethan.

He was just wearing jeans and a black t-shirt but he still managed to make the whole room spin for me.

After pulling myself out of his trance, I noticed that he was still staring at me. His eyes roaming up and down my body like a predator searching for his next meal.

I've never seen Ethan look at me this way, and it made my whole body feel electrified. I broke eye contact and started to stare at the floor while shifting uncomfortably.

Olivia must have gotten tired of our gazing at each other, because I heard her intentionally cough.

"Um, Ethan this is my best friend Olivia," I stated while looking anywhere but his face.

Ethan didn't respond and he also didn't take his eyes off of me.

"Let's go," Olivia walked out the front door and towards Ethan's car, while pulling me with her.

Ethan still stood at the front door until it shut, the sound knocking him back to reality. He quickly recovered, running his fingers through his hair and jogging back to the driver's seat of his car.

He managed to make everything hot and I didn't quite understand it.

Grayson, Wyatt, and Chase were all waiting inside the car with the speakers blaring.

"Damn, Emma!" Grayson whistled at me from the passenger seat. My cheeks started to flush while I just smiled back.

Ethan didn't speak a word the whole ride there.

I took the time of the car ride to introduce Olivia to everyone, but I knew we were pulling up when I could hear the raging music and smell the joints being smoked.

I could feel my heart pounding, and in that moment I truly loved being able to be alive.

I jumped out of Ethan's car, landing a little ungracefully, because Grayson had to put his arms around me to steady me.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

He responded with a simple shrug of his shoulders, like it was nothing.

I turned to look at Ethan, who was already looking at me with a harsh stare and tense jaw. He turned away immediately as soon as I caught him. I was clueless as to what had caused his new mood swing.

For the second time that night, Olivia grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house party.

When I entered through the front door, it's like I entered another dimension.

I've been to parties before, but this was fucking insane. It was straight out of a movie.

I took a second to admire it all. The drunk girls screaming the lyrics to the song currently playing and the drunk guys hanging off the bannisters, i admired it all.

I started towards the kitchen to get a drink with Olivia.

"You look like a vodka girl," a smooth voice said to me. I looked up and was met with a beautiful blonde man with green eyes.

"I'm a whatever type of girl," I smiled back in a friendly manner.

"Here take this," he offered me a cup.

Olivia glared at me, telling me not to drink it.

I glared back, knowing it was all fine.

I took a drink.

When I brought the cup back down from my mouth I noticed Ethan and Grayson making their way towards us.

"I see you already got a drink," Grayson said smiling at me.

All I did was smile back.

Ethan on the other hand did not seem to be in the smiling mood.

He grabbed my arm and gently nudged me away from the crowd.

"Did that blonde son of a bitch give you that?" Ethan said while staring at me intensely. If I didn't know any better I'd say there was actual steam coming out of his ears.

"Excuse me?"

"God dammit, Emma! What if he drugged you?"

"He didn't?" I questioned why he would even suggest that.

"How do you know that?" His face was inches from mine and he was fuming.

"Because I trust him," I brought myself even closer to him.

"Do you know him?"


"And you trust him?"


"God you're frustrating," Ethan groaned out before slamming his lips onto mine, catching me by surprise. He kissed me with such passion I thought I was gonna pass out.

He walked me towards a wall, pushing me up against it. And then he stopped.

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble one day if you're not careful," Ethan said before he walked away, leaving me there alone.

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