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ethan dolan

Wyatt's words wouldn't escape my mind no matter how hard I tried.

"She looked at him the same way she used to look at you."

I know the look he was referring to.

Her sparkling blue eyes used to hold my gaze ever so gently, like she was trying to send a secret love message.

Her soft pink lips would tug up slightly at the corners, holding back a laugh.

But the one thing that always stood out to me was the look of endearment she had. Nobody's ever looked at me the way she did. She looked at me like .... she was proud of me.

Proud of who I am and proud to be with me.

The thought of her sharing that with someone else left a burning in my chest.

The type of burning that comes from trying to run without oxygen.

I wasn't going to run any longer.

I was gonna fight. Fight to be the only one she looks at that way.

I grabbed my keys off my dresser and headed to the one place I could count on her to be.

The doors to the library opened with a ding, as I rushed to the corner.

My heart immediately deflated when I saw the bean bag chair empty.

She wasn't here.

I began to doubt myself.

Maybe this isn't meant to be. Maybe I don't deserve her.

Fuck, I'll never deserve her, but I'll spend everyday trying to if she lets me.

I flopped down into the bean bag chair with a sigh, letting my body splay out and absorb the sunlight.

I fluttered my eyes closed and sat in silence. Thinking about how I ruined the best thing to happen to me.

That was until ...

"Once upon a time, there was a girl who was so incredibly in love with a guy. The girl thought she had already experienced every emotion and every type of happiness. But this, this emotion brought her to new heights she's never experienced before. But, because their love was so intense, it scared both of them, so they pushed each other away."

I whipped my head around to find Emma slowly walking towards me, shyly tucking her long hair behind her ear. I've never seen her shy.

"Emma..." I whispered out faintly. My mouth agape.

Her eyebrows furrowed together to make a stern face at me.

"Shh I'm telling a story," Emma quipped back.

I raised my hands in defense, letting her continue.

That's my girl.

"They never needed to push each other away. In fact, they were stronger together. She taught him to fly, and he taught her how to not fly too close to the sun."

Her demeanor then changed.

What was once filled with confidence, was now met with hesitation. Her eyes were glued to the floor she stood on.

"The girl messed up, bad. She let him get away." Emma's eyes met mine.

That look was still there. I hadn't lost her.

That look also brought me back to reality.

Who was that guy?

"Um, I hate to ruin the moment, I just uh, Wyatt told me he saw you with another guy today." My voice faded out towards the end.

I didn't care how vulnerable I was being in that moment, I was willing to show her just how much she meant to me.

Emma's face immediately twisted with confusion.

"Guy?" I nodded.

She pondered for a minute before letting out a laugh that made me weak in my knees.

"Well, I ran into Connor today and told him to shove it where the sun don't shine, which is probably what Wyatt saw."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

But then the worry came flooding back.

"Connor? THE Connor? Did he hurt you? Are you okay? What'd he say? What did you say? Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't there I-"

She took a hold of my hand with a tiny giggle.

"I'm in love with you, you stubborn ass. Only you. I'm fine."

That was all it took.

My fingers caressed her hand just to make sure this wasn't a fucked up dream.

My hand trailed up to her cheek, cupping it.

Her face was so close to mine, I could smell her vanilla perfume that drove me crazy.

I kissed her.

With every fiber of my being.

As I pulled away, Emma brought the tips of her fingers to her lips. I imagine she was trying to savor the feeling, as was I.

As I was catching my breath, I grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the door.

"Where are we going?" She questioned.

"The place where it all started."

[ONE MORE CHAPTER BOYS AND GIRLS!!! thank u for reading this story it means so much to me and I can't wait to finally finish it I love u guys]

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