Chapter 7

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They reached Midoriya's home. It was quite late, probably half five. Midoriya let Todoroki enter first and hung up his coats on the hanger next to the door. They sat down on his sofa and relaxed finally,
"So what do you wanna do now Todoroki-kun?" Todoroki thought of multiple things and blushed.
"U-uhm are you hungry?" He asked him, turning around to look straight into his shining eyes. Midoriya placed his hand on his stomach.
"Hmm yeah okay. I'll make us something. What do you like?"
"Noodles... " Todoroki replied. A meal made by Midoriya. He could accept that, he loved the idea of it. It's like something somebody would do for their.... crush... His cheeks grew aflame again. Midoriya smiled at him, his freckles like little constellations of stars on his face.
"Coming right up!" He giggled, it was sweet and genuine. After around half an hour, Midoriya served them up to Todoroki. He smiled at him.
"Arigato." He said as he began eating them, savouring the flavour, it was quite weak were it was concerned but he still enjoyed them. He finished them after a few minutes, Midoriya also shortly after.

The time was 6:10pm.
"H-hey Midoriya?"
"Yeah?" Todoroki blushed as he asked him,
"D-do you think I could sleep over?" Midoriya's eyes lit up, pleased he could stay with Todoroki for longer than usual.
"Yes of course!!" He beamed. "You can put your stuff upstairs and have a shower now if you'd like then.." He looked at Todoroki, who was a flustered, blushing mess.
"O-okay." Todoroki went upstairs whilst Midoriya followed, Todoroki placing his bag on his bedroom floor. Noticing all the All Might apparel, he chuckled to himself. Maybe they should go shopping tomorrow? He'd love to add to the collection....
"Okay I'll just go to get a shower now.. Sorry to leave you alone like this." Todoroki told Midoriya. He was actually concerned for his feelings? Midoriya then blushed.
"Nah it's fine take as much time as you need!" Todoroki nodded and with that walked off to the bathroom.

Izuku layed on his bed for a few minutes before surveying the room again. His eyes landed on a notebook that seemed to of slipped out of Todoroki's bag, he went to go pick it up when he saw the title, 'thoughts'. Midoriya's mind raced, maybe he'll find out if Todoroki really does like him back. But he shouldn't look through it surely? Maybe.. if he saw his name. He flipped through it and there in bold letters was 'Izuku Midoriya.' A separate page with everything Todoroki loved about him. And how maybe he actually did like him after all. He carefully put the book back in Todoroki's bag, ecstatic. He really did like him back.... His cheeks lit up like lights, glowing red. Not long after, Todoroki entered the room and Izuku braced himself for what he was going to ask Todoroki.
"H-hey Todoroki d-do you like someone?" He started off the conversation, he felt sliding into it would be the best option, as his nerves still raged on. He noticed Todoroki turn red once more.
"W-why d-do you?" He covered his mouth with his hand. Why did Midoriya even ask him this?
"M-maybe..." Izuku replied, smiling slightly.
"Wh-who?" Todoroki stammered. It wasn't going to be him, so why was he so nervous?
"Want me to show you?" Midoriya walked over up to Todoroki, pushing him against a wall, kissing him. Todoroki's eyes widened. He...really did? He then accepted it wholeheartedly, feeling themselves connect in the moment, he shut his eyes and kissed him back. It was like the hands of time had suddenly stopped, allowing them to savour this moment, it was like a black curtain wound itself around the two, so nobody could break them apart or interfere. In that moment, it was just the two of them, two hearts joining together to form one bond, that could seem to last forever. 

--Heyyy so, some smut coming up in the next chapter, just to warn you, alsoooo, do you like it so far, i'm tryna work on it so it isn't as wordy, and make your experience reading it better <3--

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