OD!Tamara X Reader

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I sat on the couch, reading a magazine I found on the table. Weird shit. "Y/N!" I heard a voice and turned towards the doorway to see Tamara in my F/C hoodie. She stood there blushing and twitching nervously. "Soooo. Y/N. Nice day for a walk. Wanna go to the cherry tree?" The cherry tree. A single dark tree with pink blossoms all year round, on a giant field of tulip, lilacs, peonies and lavender. "Why not!" I replied cheerfully. Me and Tamara had been dating for about a month now, but had known each other for years. Ever since Yr 8, our friends Ell, Tori, Matilda and ourselves would have that spot to ourselves. Other people found it too quiet or girly to enjoy its serenity. "Come on then!" Tamara beckoned for me to catch up as she was already halfway out the door. "Coming"

Lil time skipo

Tamara and I were sitting, facing each other, legs dangling off the branches of the oh so familiar tree. "I love it here" She spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence "I love you Y/N"
"I love you too Tammy" I said, causing her to giggle. "Let's make flower crowns she said, jumping into the soft sea of petals. She picked a handful of F/C flowers and began weaving them together. By the the I had jumped down she had a perfectly crafted crown. "Here you go N/N" she placed the delicate flowers on my head and pecking me on the lips. "Beautiful"

257 words! Ive never written an X Reader before, so it was a fun experience. Requested by smeg-head-writer

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