Future! TomTord EW Day 4

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Another day at the base. An endless pit of despair, an empty void of paperwork. "God dammit" I muttered. "Fuck my work" I got up, dragging my feet to the glass cabinet in the left side of my office. "Tom!" I yelled, asking for personal secretary. I could here his boots clicking on the floor of the marble hallway. The large door creaked open, revealing an ,almost too curvy, well dressed man. "You called, Red Leader?" He stuttered like he always did in my company. "Come sit down". He twitched before walking over briskly and sitting on my desk in front of my, legs crossed and arms in his lap. "How was your first day?"
"It was fine, honey"
I kissed him, lightly at first before leaning forward and tilting my head. "I just wanted you first time to be perfect" I laughed at my terrible, sexual joke as Tom just scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Omfg Tord"

Yay. 159 words. Fml

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