Part 3

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(David's POV)

At Farm girl, I'm waiting for Jimmy who's late, as usual. To kill time, I take a look at my text messages. Three are from Simon. When he sends me something, even a few words, it keeps me under the illusion I matter to him outside our sex encounters. Pathetic but true.

« Still horny...Miss your body and gorgeous ass already » says the first one. I erase it without bothering to respond. Not in the mood. The second one was sent an hour ago :

« On a meeting...can't concentrate...I wish you slip under my desk and suck me hard...» What ? On a meeting for Syco ? I can't believe this man...In terms of smuttiness, I have found my master. Anyway, much to my surprise, I still feel uninterested. But the third one catches my attention...

« Free Friday evening ? Lauren at her mother's till Sunday. What do u think ? » Wait...did Simon just invite me for the weekend ? Is he serious ? Am I understanding well ? My heart is now racing like crazy.

I wait no longer to ask : « You mean the whole week-end together?" I temper my excitement as Jimmy does his entrance. We hug warmly. He wears an improbable dark blue silk suit with a very flashy pink bow tie. I chuckle.

"You lost a bet ?"

"Fuck you, Walliams", he says, falsely hurt by my comment. Jimmy's the only one who knows about Simon and me. It says a lot about how close we are. I trust him with my life.

After half an hour of eating, chatting and giggling, the conversation ultimately diverts to my special relationship with my boss, something Jimmy never supported.

"So....still fucking Coward Cowell ?"

"Come really need to ask me the same question again and again ?"

"Yes ! I still hope one day, you'll answer : 'No, I dumped this son of a bitch !'

"Please, don't call him that..."

"Truth hurts, huh ? He's a selfish bastard and you know it. He uses you."

His words pierce through me like a sharp knife.

"You're David Walliams, for God's sake ! A handsome, brilliant, famous bachelor. That you let him treat you like his whore is beyond me. Sorry but I had to say it."

"And if you were wrong ?" I retort, regaining some confidence. "What if Simon was not the heartless bitch you describe ?"

"Well...Try to convince me, dear, he sighs. Good luck with that. "

"Take a look", I utter with a hint of pride, showing him Simon's last message.

Jimmy stays unimpressed.

"Yes. So ?"

"You're kidding me ? He never asked me to stay with him for two days, never ! We never even spent the night together. If it's not something, then I don't get it..."

Jimmy's eyes darken, he takes my hand, looking at me with concern :

" know I love you unconditionally. I'll always support you. But this shit...Gosh, you peer at your phone for the least message. You beg for a sign, anything. You run to him like a dog as soon as he calls you. He still acts as if you were at his disposal anytime and the truth is, you are."

"I'm no victim here, Jimmy. I'm a consenting adult and I want him too" I point out, a little offended he sees me spineless like that.

"So you're telling me you're fulfilled and happy ?"

"I wouldn't say that, no, but...I don't feel bad, either. When we are together, it's just...I don't want it to end..."

"That's the point, Baby. You're in love, he doesn't care. You want more, he's too self absorbed to consider something serious with you. And for his 'romantic weekend', don't be naive, David, I beg you. He just offers himself more time to fuck, that's it."

I adore Jimmy but this whole conversation makes me sick. I end up telling him I have a headache and feel tired just to shorten our meeting. He doesn't buy it but kisses me on the cheek and says :

"Sorry for my rudeness, darling. You know I'm just worried about you."

I smile and hug him tight. A big part of me knows he's right but I don't want to think about it for the time being. Once Jimmy gone, I catch my phone to find out Simon's answer :

"Absolutely. Friday, 7pm, my house ?"

I choose to ignore Jimmy's warning as I shiver in anticipation, thrilled by the whole perspective. I simply reply "OK" and send it.


Well...I said I would take more time to write this chapter but it seems I had the inspiration. So I took advantage of it ! I really, really hope you'll like it.

Once again, thanks for your support, comments, votes and everything ! You're great !


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