Chapter 1

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El slowly walked though the aisles of books, examining each cover as if she hasn't seen every one of them before. Her finger traced each one, picking up dust from the shelves in the process.

Everyone is always messing with the books. Do they read them? No. They build things with them when they are supposed to be reading them.

There are only two people in the entire school who actually read the books. Who?

Michael Wheeler and El Hopper.

Nobody really talks to them, and they don't talk to anyone in return either. They keep to their self because they only need their own company.

Before you ask; no, Mike and El don't know each other, they never talked to each other before. They read and hang out in the same library but they never seem to cross paths, despite the library not being very big.

They actually sit on the opposite sides of the same book shelf, yet they manage to never see eachother.

Anyway, let's get back to El.

'Come on, where is it?' El asked herself as she skimmed the title of each book, trying to find 'A Study in Scarlet'. That's the book she reads almost every time she comes to the library. She never gets bored of it.

With a sigh of disappointment, El turned around and went to the counter where Librarian Marisa sat at her computer reading a tragic romance book. "Marisa?" El asked quietly, now standing in front of the desk.

The librarian looked up from the book and sighed as she grabbed 'A Study in Scarlet' from the book drop-in pile, then handed it to El. 'Why was it in the return pile? Who was reading it?' El thought as she grabbed the book from her.  "Thank you." El half smiled and was about to walk away.

"What's up with that book? You are always reading it." Marisa asked and slightly laughed.

"I like it." El responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I guess so." She smiled and went back to her book. El nodded as she retreated back to her spot in the library. She plopped down onto the purple bean bag and immediately opened the front cover of the book to start reading; but she stopped when she saw something written on the cover. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read what was written in the black ink.

Whoever is reading this message, please put this book back in between 'Misery' and 'IT' on the bookshelf labeled '11'.

'What the heck?' El thought to herself as she looked up to see if anyone was playing a prank on her; but there was no one around. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she shook her head and turned the next few pages to start reading. 'That's weird,'


The bell rang about twenty minutes later, signaling that it's the end of lunch and time to get to class.

El got up and walked to the other side of the shelf and put it in between the two books that were written on the cover. She wondered who it was since the person seems to like Stephen King.

A thought came to her mind and she grabbed a pen out of her pocket to write on the cover too. She put the book back then shrugged to herself and left the library to go to class.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~Where stories live. Discover now